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Posts posted by bobnet84

  1. hi guys, I have a problem i downloaded l2jbrasil source to my eclipse I than clicked on "checkout" after that i got all the l2jbrasil source on other side of eclipse, and when I insert any new java file into my source "i do everything in eclipse" when i try to zip the source i get an error and if I dont insert any code or java file it works fine...  ps. the code is to polymorph npc to human

  2. Mod plz don't lock it its important,



    So I added the java code to to where it should be, then i compiled the pack, after that i added the sql code to navicat, and the navicat created me a table called "max_poly" in that table theres a npc which created and is called "alex", when I log in to my server, i spawn "alex" or by his ID, alex spawns but his a human and his some npc, maybe because I have him in the npc table? but when i tried to delete him from npc table, i log back in to game and then i nothing spawns atall becasue i deleted him from npc table.... I;m so confused now :S someone help plz

    ps. i dont get no errors



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