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Ghost Of Sparta

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Everything posted by Ghost Of Sparta

  1. yap, already got an account. Btw the starring pornstars will be Lisa Ann and who else?
  2. Titan Quest's second expansion? I don't remember the name but I've ended it.
  3. rs prem acc will be given tomorrow morning, i don't have the card near me now xd
  4. 3exases ton empeiro stealer aka emena
  5. happy name day bro <3 gonna pwn you in some hours in hon
  6. Metallica sucks ass wtf are you talking about. They care only for money and not for music. The only heavy metal gods are MAIDEN. PS:Metallica w/o Dave Mustaine are NOTHING.
  7. Can't nolife more xD Already nolifing with BostonLegaL in HoN in order to get into a decent clan, so I'm kinda out. Maybe another time Bill =]
  8. I'm in but my acc is in NA and I don't know how to fcking transfer it. I have unlocked some cool heroes but I don't know what to do to transfer it. If some1 knows a way to accomplish that, it'd be appreciated.
  9. Interlude. But most faction servers fail at the moment and after a point they become boring, imo.
  10. Protimw hon alla pezw kamia fora gia plaka me kati kolitous. Na pw tn alh8eia to sistima ekei m aresei.Dld me ta masteries, ta runes k ta unlocks twn heroes. Alla h pliopsifia twn players einai ka8isterimenoi p pezoun prwth fora tetiou eidous game(px darkslayer xD)..
  11. Indeed. Make a bath, log in with your premium brazzers account and chillax.Way better.
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