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About alokin

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  1. If i use oog when are running my 5 accoutns there is problem bcs from time to time chars duno why going Off . Any1 know mby the reason of this why oog making cahr offline while it is runing ??
  2. Can u send me your verions ??:D oog ?? pls :* xD
  3. I have problem like evry1 any1 know solution to slove this problem How to run it ??
  4. It is not so simpel If some1 is not so much smart in settings programs etc....
  5. It donn't work>>>..... >:(
  6. Same here it don't work..... I can log but not evry char . If i give any coomand it don;t work. Any idea ???
  7. Can some1 send me OOG pls on DNET bcs all ogg are foked on this server ... i dont have 80 post so can't download thuis oog can some1 help me ??
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