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Everything posted by Kup9_RU

  1. No New effects :'( thx for weapon ^-*
  2. effects antharas valakas and lindvior ?
  3. A new effect is present? _________ Новый эффект есть ?
  4. With all figured out, thanks :)
  5. up ^(
  6. In english? ___ Yes :)
  7. Can you tell what and where you want?
  8. Make new riding pet, but when calling it, and hit "Ride" that pet disappears. In npcgrp LineageMonster.strider set for SPC, which is not yet be?
  9. Npcgrp/ Armorgrp/ Chargrp/ Weapongrp/ Recipe/ ProductName - does not open
  10. Who can I contact to buy banner advertising?
  11. weapons under there all the classes?
  12. Когда конвертирую в UnrealEd, то там изображения отлично выглядят, хорошего качества, а в игре же наоборот, все размыто и не качественно. Как получить в игре высокое разрешение картинки ? ------------------ When converted into UnrealEd, there pictures look great, good quality, but in the game, on the contrary, everything is blurred and not qualitatively. How do I get in the game high-resolution images? ==== translate.google =) Sorry
  13. Actually NPC did everything perfectly. But the trouble is, when you come into play all the standard SPC is loading, a new and not seen. What are the options option.ini responsible for loading the game files? ============== Собственно НПЦ сделал, все отлично. Но вот беда, когда заходишь в игру все стандартные НПЦ уже прогрузились, а новых так и не видно. Какие опции в option.ini отвечают за прогрузку файлов игры ?
  14. price for l2p source ? Or just under the l2j assembly?
  15. If your pet runs back and unfold the camera 180 degrees to release the "enemy" we will stop at floor screen pet. ------------ Если питомец бежит сзади и разворачиваем камеру на 180 градусов для выделения "врага", у нас будет мешать на ПОЛ экрана питомец.
  16. If the display as a monster, and not pet the player, then all is normal ....
  17. Everything turned out fine, but now I can not understand a single NPC. Puma pinned to YES. But when the call from her high calling radius + radius modelki itself is very wide. Around her bud, then such an invisible wall, which accounts for obbegat around. http://rghost.ru/15913491/image.png http://rghost.ru/15913571/image.png
  18. http://rghost.ru/15907811/image.png All thx big thx
  19. Figured with an alpha channel, slightly ruined of course =) What a cat hole in my pants xDD http://rghost.ru/15904131/image.png But with the size .... http://rghost.ru/15904171/image.png
  20. http://wiki.rumor.ru/index.php?title=Graphics_in_Plugins:_Icons Doing in this manual This show how the picture? http://wiki.rumor.ru/images/4/4c/Icons_12.gif And what about the size of NPC =) Thank you very much;), it remains to deal with the size of the NPC and Alpha channel
  21. And these black bars as clean? http://rghost.ru/15900981/image.png
  22. http://rghost.ru/15900831/image.png The model came in a very large extent. Where does it decrease?
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