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About Rufgaudas

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  1. be carefull when updating with this server patch, it modifies your host files so you can't access other sites (l2, wow, aion) even if try to connect to other server, it redirects to their own, so be carefull where you enter your password
  2. www.bfdr.eu - x10, will open in 10:29. Gonna have a lot of online, almost fully working gracia epilogue, no lags, crazy donations.
  3. Server is good. Only thing it lacks is some more people, join it :)
  4. Server Rates EXP: x5000 SP: x5000 Drop: x1 Adena: x5000 Enchant Rates Enchants: safe 5, max 20 Normal Enchant Rate: 75% Blessed Enchant Rate: 95% Please tell me, what your server can offer so unique that other servers doesn't have? Oh the java-club, after this offer i might add "no retarded administration" to my wish list. Also whole rpg network falls before "no retarded donation" requirement. People there knows how to make money, not how to manage their servers and people playing in them. - Need some money? Lets ban 50 random players and then ask 100$ from each of them for unban. Server has very good files, almost bugless ones, but fairy tail ends here. It's kind a good for pve five chars to lvl 60 and quit, but that's it.
  5. It was second time i tried to start playing here (like 1 month between tries). And both times there was same thing. Either it's dead empty or some bored old players pk'ing newbies. One more thing about npc buffer, no propecies for legal players when you can easily box one. You can clearly see when someone logs in box, gets cov+15 time and logs buffer off. Eventually i got pissed off about this boxing and got one box myself. Server idea and setup is good, just players attitude or lack of players ruins it. Still LF server.
  6. Server looks fine, but people are bored to death. Not much action going there.
  7. I am looking for gracia final or epilogue server, l2j or l2off XP: at least x20-30, can be even x99999, but not too low. max weapon/armor enchant up to +6, or even better no enchants at all no custom skills or "pvp balance", just retail like classes no crafting, everything in gm shop, can have custom currency must have custom items. more there is, better it gets, even things like "god/epic" sets/weapons with +5000000 p att is good if it needs x5000000 effort to get it. if your server doesn't offer custom items but meets my other requests, post it anyways, i might try it and like it at least basic npc buffer some people playing no retarded donations
  8. This server would be good if not donations. Normal players has no chance against donators. If you wanna play here - donate or look for another server.
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