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About alimosjohn

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  1. we will try it !!
  3. nice server features...I will test it for sure!!
  4. Omg Someone must put anti-noob protection in these forums admins...6lv clan=10k pts 7lv clan 20k pts 8lv clan 40kpts...SO PLS STFU IDIOT.The only reason that advertise this server is that the admins previous server was epics 1000 + ppl!! retard
  5. First of All!!! Its not the staff random and you dunno something i suggest you stfu..Its not the server mine i just help the admin,about ddos protection its true!Server has full protection
  6. guys dont tricked this is l2fov with another fail name!
  7. hahahaha you are a little idiot as i see,This server is with full ddos protection if you remember anius had 800 ppl + 1st day before ddos this time this server will have 800 ppl + stable
  8. www.l2ares.com all will be there mid rate hi5!
  9. We finally decided our offcial Date, the 1st July 2012. We have been working on our server's concept and have been striving to develop and implement everything from H5 feature! In this stage we are added many from H5 features and check for smoothly work process! We need to added only custom thinks before great start!!! Please continue to promote L2Ares.com and help us become as successful as we all deserve to be! All Will Be There..Full DDos Protection!!!,Daily Events!!Vote Reward etc. Balanced Server.!
  10. Server had some trubles on the begin but now it rocks!!!! +1 from me!
  11. Re min akouw mlkies gia na klisei server prepei na exei anoi3ei ton server apo to pc t k sini8ws oi perisoteroi server einai dedicate!!
  12. File kalo to topic ala egw dn 8a to ekana epidi 8a itan vareto :P
  13. to 8ema einai ama to kaneis sell prepei na valeis grigora k mia e3ipni timi oxi 1 adena k dld ama einai full +20 8a valeis ola ta items mesa ti leme tr
  14. Re pedia kai na pianei egw skilovariemai na exw 10 ls kai na vazw mia mia 8a kanw k olo afto to dromo pfff
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