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About maxlols

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  1. I love how you're always such a hypocrite =') i mean.. like it's not enough that you fail, you must also lol at me for things that you do 10x worse and in same topic lol? btw, did you learn how to dev yet? ^^ Nah its not an eye sight issue, you see.. he is just a bit retarded. (literary means slow.. and since in this case you are, i guess you can't even feel insulted).
  2. it feels good, having to lie in order to "preserve" your ego? PS.. why did then maxtor get our ips on your acc?
  3. Your old pass to everywhere? ^^ you realize im the only reason you kept em right?
  4. No rofl, it's not closed, just dosed? lol.. my friend says a stupid phx gets you down.
  5. cuz its not features... its called config and theyre prolly not devs..
  6. Hard to explain better when that's all there is to it.. Heading in english means the direction youre looking at.. based on compass. Anyaway, you can see heading value in chars and spawnlist table.. so for mobs it get's defined once you spawn one... and before when i said that you should make the spawn have same heading as your char.. i meant that you find the spawn code of your morphed npcs and fix where it defines spawns heading, by making it same as your characters(like its made for //spawn cmd).
  7. Its called heading... make mob have same as your char on spawn.
  8. looks rlly pretty.
  9. oh so thats why you brought out the epenis shit. maybe cuz its a forum for lolguys and bullshits.
  10. Lol and this was the deffence? I thought i was insulting your epenis, but seems i was right.. and how can you even take the "half" as a measure, its a figure of speech. -.- Btw i code my il core for half a year now, tho many things were done in my older c4 pack and then transfered to this one. Anyway, as i was saying a newbie, oh yes, 30mb for 3 years? oO loooooooool, dude i see this is your first server emulator project and i don't even feel like commenting that anymore, its like i'm talking to a guy that can't even imagine the quantity of 30mb code and that basically means you don't even have a good overview of all files, which means what? Seriously... now that some l2dc is "more" famous than l2j, you can feel important? Wrong, just your reply showed how fare you go and untill you can't even comprehend l2j files, i think this discussion is over. For the others, ill give an example of my webpage's core that contains 3mb of code(w/o html's and etc) and was written in 4days. Who said i haven't done "it", you think l2 is the only online game out there? And ofc you will try to climb up his ass, your only problem is that a whole human just can't fit inside, you know what i mean?
  11. Actually i recoded half od my l2j core and it was why i complained.. not to "insult" you and you must be a fail to recodnise my post as so(i suppose thats why you think it failed, maybe becouse it wasnt one?). Anyway, mxc nabs might give you a break cuz of all the commercial, but personally i tested your project just 1ce and it is dosable by a simple flood of client actions.. so i wouldn't be too loud if i was in your place. You fix retail shits ok.. make a protected and stable server and only at that point will i even care for your ebaby-penis. Its made from l2j is it not? So yeah.. i'll call that wannabe initials and you're right.. i don't know or don't want to know your project any more than i know l2j, becouse as you say.. i can't be jelous of "hello world" coders, especially not in java rofl cmon. Anyway... we can measure penises, but if we'll do it in java, then pls lol.. keep the baby inside.
  12. Seriously.. i can now name my project with wannabe initials? i mean.. i wouldn't like the bad rep of l2j follow my server around ether, but face it lol.. as long as its java and as long as even setekh can't afford to do it, i somehow doubt you can.
  13. Well, you have a point.. some of em are kinda slow.. =/ right ExtremeDork? w8 did i spell that wrong? who cares..... proof or gtfo lol.
  14. I'm so sick of this nab comments.. and nothing personal man, but i wrote 312648732648 trojans, binders, keyloggers and whatever injecting shits and it never got detected by anything so gl. anyway on topic.... why on earth would you want to do this seriously? so you come ingame and see none of those online? get real ppl..
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