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Just three days left! Call your friends, gather clans!
In the beggining this server was high five, we changed the chronicle
Hello, I would like to present New No Custom PvP Server! SERVER STARTS TODAY 16h GMT +2 Olympiad: Heroes change every week. Olympiad works everyday 18:00-24:00 GMT+2 Server's Main Town - Rune Township. * balanced classes 95% * 2 Nice PvP Zones. * 2 Farming PvP zones. * Extremely easy farm. * Easy Enchanting. * Fully working voting system Hopzone/Topzone InGame. * Stable pack, based on L2JAcis premium revs. * 24/7 Working Time. * Mass PvP/Mass PvP Zones, with respawn in same place. * More Than 11Raids!! 6GRand/ 5 Mini 2 each farm zone. * Unique Auto Flag Zone! (EvA Zone) (Everyone is allowed) * And one simple PvP/PK Zone! (Pagan's temple) * Enchant system with Normal: 80% /Blessed 100% /Crystal 100% Max with Normal/Blessed +10/ Crystal +16. * Easy Augmentation! 1Passive + 1Active: Top Grade Lifestone: 20%. High Grade Lifestone: 15%. Medium Grade Lifestone: 10%. * Server was made for many players online! * Server was made for Massive PvP's in zone's. * Instant 80Lv and 3rd profession on player first enter. * Sub Class Manager will offer you only 3rd classes. * Forum InGame!! You can report/Trade/Improve/ our server by making it easy, just creating a topic on forum!! (ALT+ B). * Top PvP/Pk On (ALT+ B). * Everytime you enter Townzone you will receive Dash. Our website: http://line2age.net Our Server Grand Opening date: MAY 31th - saturday 16h GMT +2. For more information please contact: http://line2age.net Skype (24/7): repuzas EXP, SP, Adena & Drop Rates As an Interlude PvP server, experience, skill points and adena rates are high (for fact x5000). Level is instant 80 both when creating a new character or adding a new subclass. You can drop items while on high-karma with a lot of PKs, so be careful! Enchant Rates & Limits Our server introduces normal, blessed and crystal scrolls for enchanting. Safe Enchant: 4 Normal Scrolls: 80% Rate, +10 Maximum Enchant, Obtained with Adena Blessed Scrolls: 100% Rate, +10 Maximum Enchant, Obtained with Farm Coins Crystal Scrolls: 100% Rate, +16 Maximum Enchant. Augment Rates & Limit We have made a limit system so you won't be able to stuck an active with a passive skill. When you'll remove your augmented weapon, if you had an active buff with it, it will be removed. Top Grade LS: 20% Rate High Grade LS: 15% Rate Mid Grade LS: 10% Rate General Information Here are some general information regarding the server. * Skills are auto-learn, grade/weight limit is lifted, death penalty doesn't exist. * Buffs are set to 6 hours, you can't buff from buffer while you're registered for olympiad. * Anti-Buff shield, when active does not allow other players to buff you. * Buffs from our buffer will be automatically given to your summon(if any). There are also 4 buff sets available. * Scheme buffer. * We have a custom tattoo that will increase your power defence a bit. Secret Book of Giants can be obtained with Event Coins. Clans, Alliances & Sieges * Not that easy to get full skills but not that hard to level up. Needs a bit of farm but a devoted clan will more than easily make it! No eggs are needed to get skills and there are not clan penalties. * Sieges are weekly. The maximum an alliance can accept is 3 clans. Zones, Farming & Raidbosses * Server has 2Farm Pk/PvP Zones and 2 Only Pk/PvP Zones. * Farming is not a big deal, we minimized the time you need to get geared up while maintaining a bit of monster slaying. * Three raidbosses are waiting for you to fight them, you can only teleport to them when they're alive and be careful because you'll get flagged when you'll hit one of them! Olympiad Systems Olympiad is a nice and competitive way of playing the game, isn't it? * Besides the anti-feed we wanted to enhanced it a bit for you! * Total Damage & Opponent Class: When you'll be teleported inside olympiad you'll get a message regarding your opponent's class, when the match will end you'll see the total damage you dealt and the total damage your enemy dealt. * Skills Reuse: When you'll be teleported to the arena, all of your skills will be ready for use so you can fight the match to the fullest! * Ranking: Ranks are updated almost every 30 minutes and you can see when the ranking was last updated, besides the rank you can see the points of the people who are listed there. Other Systems * Vote Reward: We like to gain more and more population so server and pvps will become more fun. * Language Chat: You're on vacations in a country that nobody speaks your language and suddenly you find someone from the same country as you, how awesome is this? Through language chat you can globally chat with players who can understand your main language! * Community Board & Online Command: We have customized a bit the community board to make it look more friendly. * Raidboss Announcement: You'll get informed when one of our three raidbosses dies or spawns so you'll get in action! * Anti-feed: We have developed a great anti-feed platform for PvPs and * Olympiad, where the feed happens. Both are monitored by an expert AI system, everything is being logged and we'll spot the feeders! Also same-IP doesn't count and you can't register for olympiad as well. Software, Hardware & Network * We have a good looking machine along with a shiny network to ensure stability in a lag-free environment. * Our pack is based on aCis premium pack. * I think I've covered most of the servers important information, see you online. If you like our server, don't forget to like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/L2HistoryH5 Website: http://www.line2age.net Skype: repuzas SERVER STARTS ON MAY 31th - Saturday, 16h GMT +2.
Hello, I would like to present New No Custom PvP Server! SERVER STARTS TODAY 16h GMT +2 Olympiad: Heroes change every week. Olympiad works everyday 18:00-24:00 GMT+2 Server's Main Town - Rune Township. * balanced classes 95% * 2 Nice PvP Zones. * 2 Farming PvP zones. * Extremely easy farm. * Easy Enchanting. * Fully working voting system Hopzone/Topzone InGame. * Stable pack, based on L2JAcis premium revs. * 24/7 Working Time. * Mass PvP/Mass PvP Zones, with respawn in same place. * More Than 11Raids!! 6GRand/ 5 Mini 2 each farm zone. * Unique Auto Flag Zone! (EvA Zone) (Everyone is allowed) * And one simple PvP/PK Zone! (Pagan's temple) * Enchant system with Normal: 80% /Blessed 100% /Crystal 100% Max with Normal/Blessed +10/ Crystal +16. * Easy Augmentation! 1Passive + 1Active: Top Grade Lifestone: 20%. High Grade Lifestone: 15%. Medium Grade Lifestone: 10%. * Server was made for many players online! * Server was made for Massive PvP's in zone's. * Instant 80Lv and 3rd profession on player first enter. * Sub Class Manager will offer you only 3rd classes. * Forum InGame!! You can report/Trade/Improve/ our server by making it easy, just creating a topic on forum!! (ALT+ B). * Top PvP/Pk On (ALT+ B). * Everytime you enter Townzone you will receive Dash. Our website: http://line2age.net Our Server Grand Opening date: MAY 31th - saturday 16h GMT +2. For more information please contact: http://line2age.net Skype (24/7): repuzas EXP, SP, Adena & Drop Rates As an Interlude PvP server, experience, skill points and adena rates are high (for fact x5000). Level is instant 80 both when creating a new character or adding a new subclass. You can drop items while on high-karma with a lot of PKs, so be careful! Enchant Rates & Limits Our server introduces normal, blessed and crystal scrolls for enchanting. Safe Enchant: 4 Normal Scrolls: 80% Rate, +10 Maximum Enchant, Obtained with Adena Blessed Scrolls: 100% Rate, +10 Maximum Enchant, Obtained with Farm Coins Crystal Scrolls: 100% Rate, +16 Maximum Enchant. Augment Rates & Limit We have made a limit system so you won't be able to stuck an active with a passive skill. When you'll remove your augmented weapon, if you had an active buff with it, it will be removed. Top Grade LS: 20% Rate High Grade LS: 15% Rate Mid Grade LS: 10% Rate General Information Here are some general information regarding the server. * Skills are auto-learn, grade/weight limit is lifted, death penalty doesn't exist. * Buffs are set to 6 hours, you can't buff from buffer while you're registered for olympiad. * Anti-Buff shield, when active does not allow other players to buff you. * Buffs from our buffer will be automatically given to your summon(if any). There are also 4 buff sets available. * Scheme buffer. * We have a custom tattoo that will increase your power defence a bit. Secret Book of Giants can be obtained with Event Coins. Clans, Alliances & Sieges * Not that easy to get full skills but not that hard to level up. Needs a bit of farm but a devoted clan will more than easily make it! No eggs are needed to get skills and there are not clan penalties. * Sieges are weekly. The maximum an alliance can accept is 3 clans. Zones, Farming & Raidbosses * Server has 2Farm Pk/PvP Zones and 2 Only Pk/PvP Zones. * Farming is not a big deal, we minimized the time you need to get geared up while maintaining a bit of monster slaying. * Three raidbosses are waiting for you to fight them, you can only teleport to them when they're alive and be careful because you'll get flagged when you'll hit one of them! Olympiad Systems Olympiad is a nice and competitive way of playing the game, isn't it? * Besides the anti-feed we wanted to enhanced it a bit for you! * Total Damage & Opponent Class: When you'll be teleported inside olympiad you'll get a message regarding your opponent's class, when the match will end you'll see the total damage you dealt and the total damage your enemy dealt. * Skills Reuse: When you'll be teleported to the arena, all of your skills will be ready for use so you can fight the match to the fullest! * Ranking: Ranks are updated almost every 30 minutes and you can see when the ranking was last updated, besides the rank you can see the points of the people who are listed there. Other Systems * Vote Reward: We like to gain more and more population so server and pvps will become more fun. * Language Chat: You're on vacations in a country that nobody speaks your language and suddenly you find someone from the same country as you, how awesome is this? Through language chat you can globally chat with players who can understand your main language! * Community Board & Online Command: We have customized a bit the community board to make it look more friendly. * Raidboss Announcement: You'll get informed when one of our three raidbosses dies or spawns so you'll get in action! * Anti-feed: We have developed a great anti-feed platform for PvPs and * Olympiad, where the feed happens. Both are monitored by an expert AI system, everything is being logged and we'll spot the feeders! Also same-IP doesn't count and you can't register for olympiad as well. Software, Hardware & Network * We have a good looking machine along with a shiny network to ensure stability in a lag-free environment. * Our pack is based on aCis premium pack. * I think I've covered most of the servers important information, see you online. If you like our server, don't forget to like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/L2HistoryH5 Website: http://www.line2age.net Skype: repuzas SERVER STARTS ON MAY 31th - Saturday, 16h GMT +2.
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Could you please be more specific, how this command should look? Where should it return? -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Could you please help me and tell me what to edit to disable casting skills on NPC. public void callSkill(L2Skill skill, L2Object[] targets) { try { // Get the skill handler corresponding to the skill type (PDAM, MDAM, SWEEP...) started in gameserver ISkillHandler handler = SkillHandler.getInstance().getSkillHandler(skill.getSkillType()); Weapon activeWeapon = getActiveWeaponItem(); // Check if the toggle skill effects are already in progress on the L2Character if (skill.isToggle() && getFirstEffect(skill.getId()) != null) return; // Initial checks for (L2Object trg : targets) { if (trg instanceof L2Character) { // Set some values inside target's instance for later use L2Character target = (L2Character) trg; if (!Config.RAID_DISABLE_CURSE) { // Raidboss curse. L2Character targetsAttackTarget = null; if (target.hasAI()) targetsAttackTarget = (L2Character) target.getAI().getTarget(); if ((target.isRaid() && getLevel() > target.getLevel() + 8) || (!skill.isOffensive() && targetsAttackTarget != null && targetsAttackTarget.isRaid() && targetsAttackTarget.getAttackByList().contains(target) && getLevel() > targetsAttackTarget.getLevel() + 8)) { L2Skill curse = FrequentSkill.RAID_CURSE.getSkill(); if (curse != null) { // Send visual and skill effects. Caster is the victim. broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, this, curse.getId(), curse.getLevel(), 300, 0)); curse.getEffects(this, this); } return; } } // Check if over-hit is possible if (skill.isOverhit()) { if (target instanceof L2Attackable) ((L2Attackable) target).overhitEnabled(true); } switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case COMMON_CRAFT: // Crafting does not trigger any chance skills. case DWARVEN_CRAFT: break; default: // Launch weapon Special ability skill effect if available if (activeWeapon != null && !target.isDead()) { if (this instanceof L2PcInstance && !activeWeapon.getSkillEffects(this, target, skill).isEmpty()) sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_HAS_BEEN_ACTIVATED).addSkillName(skill)); } // Maybe launch chance skills on us if (_chanceSkills != null) _chanceSkills.onSkillHit(target, false, skill.isMagic(), skill.isOffensive(), skill.getElement()); // Maybe launch chance skills on target if (target.getChanceSkills() != null) target.getChanceSkills().onSkillHit(this, true, skill.isMagic(), skill.isOffensive(), skill.getElement()); } } } // Launch the magic skill and calculate its effects if (handler != null) handler.useSkill(this, skill, targets); else skill.useSkill(this, targets); L2PcInstance player = getActingPlayer(); if (player != null) { for (L2Object target : targets) { // EVT_ATTACKED and PvPStatus if (target instanceof L2Character) { if (skill.isOffensive()) { if (target instanceof L2Playable) { // Signets are a special case, casted on target_self but don't harm self if (skill.getSkillType() != L2SkillType.SIGNET && skill.getSkillType() != L2SkillType.SIGNET_CASTTIME) { ((L2Character) target).getAI().clientStartAutoAttack(); // attack of the own pet does not flag player if (player.getPet() != target) player.updatePvPStatus((L2Character) target); } } else if (target instanceof L2Attackable) { switch (skill.getId()) { case 51: // Lure case 511: // Temptation break; default: // add attacker into list ((L2Character) target).addAttackerToAttackByList(this); } } // notify target AI about the attack if (((L2Character) target).hasAI()) { switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case AGGREDUCE: case AGGREDUCE_CHAR: case AGGREMOVE: break; default: ((L2Character) target).getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_ATTACKED, this); } } } else { if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) { // Casting non offensive skill on player with pvp flag set or with karma if (!(target.equals(this) || target.equals(player)) && (((L2PcInstance) target).getPvpFlag() > 0 || ((L2PcInstance) target).getKarma() > 0)) player.updatePvPStatus(); } else if (target instanceof L2Attackable && !((L2Attackable) target).isGuard()) { switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case SUMMON: case BEAST_FEED: case UNLOCK: case UNLOCK_SPECIAL: case DELUXE_KEY_UNLOCK: break; default: player.updatePvPStatus(); } } } switch (skill.getTargetType()) { case TARGET_CORPSE_MOB: case TARGET_AREA_CORPSE_MOB: if (((L2Character) target).isDead()) ((L2Npc) target).endDecayTask(); break; } } } // Mobs in range 1000 see spell for (L2Npc npcMob : player.getKnownList().getKnownTypeInRadius(L2Npc.class, 1000)) { List<Quest> quests = npcMob.getTemplate().getEventQuests(QuestEventType.ON_SKILL_SEE); if (quests != null) for (Quest quest : quests) quest.notifySkillSee(npcMob, player, skill, targets, this instanceof L2Summon); } } // Notify AI if (skill.isOffensive()) { switch (skill.getSkillType()) { case AGGREDUCE: case AGGREDUCE_CHAR: case AGGREMOVE: break; default: for (L2Object target : targets) { // notify target AI about the attack if (target instanceof L2Character && ((L2Character) target).hasAI()) ((L2Character) target).getAI().notifyEvent(CtrlEvent.EVT_ATTACKED, this); } break; } } } catch (Exception e) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, getClass().getSimpleName() + ": callSkill() failed on skill id: " + skill.getId(), e); } } -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
So what should i edit to fix this? What's the best option? -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Problems in lines: 6038, 9236, 9827 http://pastebin.com/Xx1bA1uJ -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.skills.L2SkillType; public final class RequestMagicSkillUse extends L2GameClientPacket { private int _magicId; private boolean _ctrlPressed; private boolean _shiftPressed; @Override protected void readImpl() { _magicId = readD(); // Identifier of the used skill _ctrlPressed = readD() != 0; // True if it's a ForceAttack : Ctrl pressed _shiftPressed = readC() != 0; // True if Shift pressed } @Override protected void runImpl() { // Get the current L2PcInstance of the player final L2PcInstance activeChar = getClient().getActiveChar(); if (activeChar == null) return; if (activeChar.isOutOfControl()) { activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } // Get the level of the used skill final int level = activeChar.getSkillLevel(_magicId); if (level <= 0) { activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; } // Get the L2Skill template corresponding to the skillID received from the client final L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(_magicId, level); if (skill != null) { // If Alternate rule Karma punishment is set to true, forbid skill Return to player with Karma if (skill.getSkillType() == L2SkillType.RECALL && !Config.KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_TELEPORT && activeChar.getKarma() > 0) return; // players mounted on pets cannot use any toggle skills if (skill.isToggle() && activeChar.isMounted()) return; activeChar.useMagic(skill, _ctrlPressed, _shiftPressed); } else { activeChar.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); _log.warning("No skill found with id " + _magicId + " and level " + level + "."); } } } Here is that code. -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
Yep, there is an error: Client: [Character: Test - Account: zuper - IP:] - Failed reading: [C] RequestMagicSkillUse ; null null -
Help Stuck After Attacking The Npc
zuper replied to zuper's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
NPCs are non attackable, but when you try to attack, then you get stuck. -
Hello, I have problem, when attacking NPC (not mob) with skill for example gatekeeper in random zone, character gets stuck. You cant move, use skills, use /unstuck command or escape scrolls you have to reconnect. Pack is L2jAcis. Please, help me to sort out this problem, thank you ;)
By apperiance it's dark elves by gaming style humans ;)
1. Lineage2 2. World Of Warcraft 3. Counter Strike 4. Warcraft 3:FT 5. Starcraft: BW 6. MuOnline 7. Empire Earth all parts 8. Soldier of Fortune 9. Age of Mythology 10. Age of Empire