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Everything posted by Crit1calError

  1. choose process before connect
  2. yes, updates now makes this guy and u can directly download them from that site
  3. u need c++ redistributable
  4. R22 (UAI Update v60 + SmartCC - Updates R279) -Improved 'Fast - Mode'. (all issues SHOULD be fixed now) -New Setting to disable 'Fast Mode' -Fix for Windfury Bug ​ fast mode. (disabled by default - check your settings). Download
  5. Current Version: R21 =============================================================================== Hearthcrawler R21 29.06.2014 =============================================================================== - Relogger is stable enough now. - Implemented Settings for Custom Classes (detailed description in forum) - Implemented API for HRPlayer.GetRank and HRPlayer.GetPreviousRank - Implemented internal checks whether actions are running or not (instead of timers) - Bug fixes Download
  6. Obvious virus for sure!
  7. v. 20 update Current Version: R20 =============================================================================== Hearthcrawler R20 01.06.2014 =============================================================================== - Choice Card API to support Druid and Hunter 'special' cards. - - Class: HREngine.HRChoice - - - IsChoiceActive() - - - GetChoiceCards() - - - Choice() - Minor bug fixes.
  8. V.19 http://www.firedrive.com/file/596D384415C0D0BC Ultimate AI The-Ultimate-AI
  9. v.14 last, but i haven't time to write server emulator or smt.
  10. v. 12 https://www.mediafire.com/?8jeueu87m8e8p78 v.18 http://www.mediafire.com/download/7v9p0erzxv1xz3v/HC_R18.rar V.19 http://www.firedrive...96D384415C0D0BC v.20 http://www.mediafire.com/download/q0rgq9s1zhmpo27/HearthCrawler+V20.zip (with Ultimate AI) v.21 http://www.mediafire.com/download/fudy8kua2vdb68v/HearthCrawler+V21.zip v.22 http://www.mediafire.com/download/m72dw7dx8mliqxf/Hearthcrawler_R22.rar (UAI Update v60 + SmartCC - Updates R279) Ultimate AI The-Ultimate-AI
  11. THis bot for lineage.ru but need key who can help ? http://ifolder.com.ua/ysdk9zk2rffw.html key for another comp is h8AyHxIHN6pErznbMa6zMJLjKEY0WOhELRPTPyLFVaDAIKU97e7Jr+LaHYlnVdtiVchE3Ad+WSVS mLh5ZbsaPVbgabZhVcfgM4sSA5GSHOlK8OEJgrdNcZYIzHEXO0ySDvnfMwE+vuYmLE720MHZjmFP 0iQNStOEKUoU0jLey5EmfJZQvO8Y6ed6xseUCzFLm2pzjW9YUemqkX7y1VvCa/GEx5JuX/as5+AT sg+x9si0nVLSgIChpkoH6vAVE7XDDPuokzDsaGQ3Wtk7AxDO62TeIo84c1+tD0Yfs2ms7nl57a9m b1RtnT3n8ei545C+/r0nbzJcloJvOtSFEgJDLQ==
  12. new version here http://turbobit.net/gjysgtz9jnh.html
  13. can any one reupload to another filehost?
  14. H1to all,my server lineage.ru with HWID defence, how can i break this defence. For open more windows then 3. mb some programs like Sandbox?
  15. .gotolove not work c6
  16. https://www.virustotal.com/file/33bf95709b867d92d1c76d34176406ba685e1cd121d948bb8de6b9d4def7e287/analysis/1346877891/
  17. количество постов, ну вы поняли
  18. anyone have program for auction? that will bit rate of item.
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