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Posts posted by levy.

  1. Hello to everyone who's fun of MaxCheaters, i am one of the best funs.

    So those news it maybe makes you crazy, i will just ask something, to i recieve an information, then that guy will understand more about what i mean.



    Who likes Warmaster? Who not likes Warmaster?


    Just write here, your answer.


    Mine: I not like Warmaster, cause:

    He is a betryer, and more bad thinks.

    Your answer?

  2. Kale paidia ti einai auta??

    Thelei romantismo kaleee!

    Thelei na ths ferese omorfaa!



















































































    Kantis ena sex kalo wste na t thumate gia ollh ths tn zwh :D

  3. Actually, it's not the design you are paying for, so I can show you a live demo since ripping the design is meaningless.


    Try it's features at: http://greeklol.com/domains/lineage/01


    Thank you, i am not telling that i am not like, but i can also do web design.... I am already a webdesigner + L2JDev i am not telling that i am the best, but if you not try you will never learn.... So i am not only that doing, but anyway, i hope that you will find someone and i hope that you will get a promotion from here :) , I am also thinking about it, i saw that the design it's amazing, but can you add more scripts? Also if you want to give it so much i think that you can create a V2, so that can have more like "View players Skills statistics " "Donation shop" "Points shop" or something like that, cause of lineage, is not hard, SQL + PhP needed.... So you can made it like Dragon CMS if you know it, with that design will be pro for me! And if you're so good, i think that you can made and themes at it, and you can sell themes and give freeware themes, so those are my idea about your work! Anyway Have a nice trading!























    2 exei :) kses apo p t ktlba? :D


    Ctrl + F grafe 4 k brikes hahahahaah (rofl)

  5. Egw tha elega na kaneis meso vb.net C# h C++ ena project programma p na paei pareoula gia l2 pack h off h l2j k na to codareis m remote Key pou tha poulas license, alla auto to project na exei kai protection (Protected Listening ports) (Imports.system.net.sockets) <VB.Net> h kati me ta connection kati telos panton, mporeis episeis ean exeis Deddi na kaneis VPN programmataki t opoio na kanei Protection sta Servers apo attacks xilia duo :P Egw twra tha kanw enan Updater xD gia t l2 :P alla dn kserw an edw oi MxC dexonte programmata // tools gia L2 servers.... Tha eithela na kanw enan updater idietera mono k mono gia to MxC :) na to usaroun atoma!! K na leei MxC! The best idea!! :D Ama gnt tha kanw ena ^^ exw treles idees :P

  6. I have knowledge to help you, i think that i can, but what can i got from you? I seriously can create you a server but, i need to know what's your offer to see what work and how much work i will do on it..... Need to know also what design did you want? I can do lot of design, lot of style, what scripts did you want to have your website?


    When you clearly know what you want, send me information in PM and // or replay at this topic.

  7. Me ena sintheto guide tha einai APSOGO den tha xriazeste na pareis kanenan tilefono kai TIPOTA.



    molis ksekinas t pc pas Del sinexeia meta sto Power kai ekei kaneis ena option enable Power On : Enable den thumamai kala, kai auto molis KLEISH apo diakoph reumatos, tote molis ksana erthei t reuma t pc fantazma :P ksekinaei apo mono t kai anoigh (rofl) haha! Gami tha ginonte olla automata :P

  8. Γειά σας mxc!Θα ήθελα να κάνω share μαζί σας σήμερα ένα L2J pack.Επειδή βλέπω ότι πολλοί new ψάχνουν για packs και αυτο θα ήταν ό,τι πρέπει για αρχη.


    Λοιπόν το pack δεν είναι τίποτα το εξαιρετικό.Είναι βασισμένο μόνο σε codes που έχουν γίνει share απο developers εδώ στο mxc.




    Έχει ό,τι fix έχει γίνει εδώ στο mxc όπως καταλαβαίνετε είναι πολλά και δεν θα μπώ στη διαδικασία να τα εξηγήσω ενα προς ένα απλώς θα αναφέρω τα ποιο σημαντικα.


    -Force bug fixed

    -All Phx shits fixed

    -L2Walker fixed

    -flood protection

    -Sublass Delay

    -Balanced Classes

    -Full Security(enchant)

    -Multisell bug fixed

    And more that I cannot remember..



    Note:Olympiad is not fully fixed




    -Hero Item

    -Clan Reputation Item

    -An item to become nobless

    -PvP/Pk colour change

    -TvT Event engine

    -Wedding System

    -Custom Spawn Location

    -Champion Mobs

    -Hero announce on log in

    -Custom Starting tittle

    -L2J Banking System

    -Away System

    -Class colour name

    -Nobless colour name

    -.Online command(shows how many players are currently online)


    If there is any problem u can't deal with inside pack just leave me a pm.



    You can download the source code  from Here


    I'll make svn to make more updates soon!:)


    Kala t pas file, alla kalo tha htan na arxizeis na bazeis k kanena diko s code)) Egw xrisimopoiw L2JFrozen to L2JAcis einai GTP giati ta SQL p eixan balei htan apla FAIL, bebaia dn kserw ti kanoun twra an kai einai die t project, alla egw ena exw na pw ftoiaxnw mesw L2JFrozen kainoureia pragmata osa mporw na codarw, bebaia tha xriastw boithia 1 pragma m loiph na ktlabw k na mathw k alaksa olo t game telios alagh omws! Na mathw pws gnt na balw kainoureia Button opws einai to MAP to Invatory kai olla ta sxetika, na mporw na balw kainoureia client button k na kanoun entoles mesa apo java, e ekei loipwn tha balw polla pramata! Tha alaxtoun olla!) Ase pou thelw na alaksw k t chat dld otan grafei kapoios GM na fenete allo color sto ALL! Einai polles idees ela m de p den kserw na ta kanw! Psaxnw toso poly xwris na rwtisw k to 90% to briskw ma ela m de p kapoia den uparxoun..... Interlude fusika.... Alla... Trela t pramata :P Bsk an kserei kapoios as kanei tn kopo gia ena PM.

  9. Seriously... I do! and seeing it die the way it does makes me feel all sad inside.


    We all should save some money and share it to Maxtor so he can get a better plan at Vistnet... since he is incapable of dealing with any shit on his own.


    Maybe then Vistnet will do something other than throwing us their -beep-ing Javascript protection that does nothing else than banning 90% of browsing users when we are overloaded.


    C'mon Maxtor! c'mon everybody! let's do something! it's been over a month now!


    If you want to become MxC Admin before from it, become a perfect hacker and then ask Maxtor how can you become :)

  10. Πολύ πιθανόν, δοκίμασε μια πιο παλιά έκδοση .

    Ok arkei k mono na kserw ean tha kanei, k poia Java xrisimopoiousan tote, pws k dn to sxeutika? xD Alla poia java na xirimopoiousan etsi outososte na mporei na diabasei auta ta codes, giati an exw to kainoureio version + to palio etsi tha mporei na xrisomopoihsh tous kodikes olous (ean alazei babaia), alla apo ekei k pera dn kserw, tha idopoihsw sto proto deftero tha balw mia palia Java k tha s pw.

  11. exeis ftiaxei to min and max protocol ?

    Psile tha s pw kati, ksexnas oti auto einai gia to GameServer? :P dn eiparxh config sto LoginServer.config..... Na s pw mias p ksereis k apo l2 ean exeis skype kaneis mia add? lifeowner.lifeowner tha milisoume polla :) ean s endiaferh ^^ alliws pes kamia lisi apo dw :P an k dn pisteuw kanenas na brei lisei!

  12. Loipwn m exei spasei ta neura h blakeia,


    Exw katebasei me SVN C4 Pack apo L2JServer KAI TO C4 KAI TO C5 kai oi -beep-ies den kanoun login me to C4 Client kanena apo auta dn pana kaneis oso thes m xei spasei ta neura h -beep-ia telios ti sto poutso server pack exoun kanei? GTPKT?


    dec. 15, 2011 7:24:31 DU net.sf.l2j.loginserver.ClientThread run
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad arguments
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2140)
    at net.sf.l2j.loginserver.clientpackets.RequestAuthLogin.<init>(RequestAuthLogin.java:58)
    at net.sf.l2j.loginserver.ClientThread.run(ClientThread.java:175)


    Ti paparies bgazei? Problima k kala sto ClientThread.java 175 line -_- paparitses ble re! Giati to C4 t pack t m bgazei? Tis idies paparies apla se allo line....


    Ti skata na kanw?

  13. Όσο Balance έχει η ελλάδα στην οικονομία!!!!


    Psule dn milaw gia ena aplo project einai Private project opote dn ksereis t exei mesa, alaksan olles oi logikes twn codes gia na ginoun auta balance.... Alaksan files k files gia na ginei auto ollo to prama olla + to extra module mesa gia ta DMG gia balance episeis, olla balanced tha einai 100% leptomeria dn febgei!

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