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Posts posted by levy.

  1. εεε λογικά.. πάντως άμα διαβάσεις αυτό που είπες, θα απορήσεις γιατί έχεις πληκτρολόγιο ;ρ


    dld einai ios gia t pliktrologio? Alitheia ti marka pliktrologio exeis?

  2. Στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, κοντά στο Παλάτι του Κωνσταντίνου Ζ' Πορφυρογέννητου υπήρχε μια μικρή πόρτα. Η μισή ήταν κάτω από το επίπεδο του εδάφους και λεγόταν Κερκόπορτα ή πύλη του κίρκου,επειδή οδηγούσε σε ένα ιπποδρόμιο (circus) έξω από τα τείχη. πιο πιθανό είναι ότι ήταν δρύινη, λεγόταν κερκόπορτα επειδή στη λατινική κέρκους είναι η Βελανιδιά ή Δρυς, επίσης στο ίδιο τείχος η πύλη "Belgrad Kapisi" λεγόταν "Ξυλόκερκος".


    Κατά την παράδοση, από αυτήν εισήλθαν (πιθανόν από εσωτερική προδοσία) στην Πόλη λίγοι γενίτσαροι κατά την μεγάλη έφοδο στις 29 Μαΐου 1453, διασπώντας έτσι την άμυνα των πολιορκούμενων και προκαλώντας την Άλωση της Κωνσταντινούπολης.


    Euxarhsto, omws sta aglika legete BackDoor t ekana translate ara auto p m leei t anti virus gia t backdoor einai h istoria tis kostantinoupolhs? dn einai ios? :S

  3. ligw help mages dite kai pite gia alles info pes te m einai apo www.000webhost.com



    Eleos, t host s dn exei MySQL? Paei k se localhost alla prepei n exei t swsta details.

    Mporeis na kaneis k apo tn upologisth s mia mysql alla na exeis sinexeia on t pc s meta :P


    Alliws dn pisteuw pws t free tha katsei..... Tha s sbisth kapoia stigmh.....

  4. Anything opened by Greeks/Lithuanians


    Never say this one never never. If i got a deddicated we will see if LT // GR Servers are sucks, you will just not up from your playing time just that i have to say. Cause my idea about game side, never can be in your fantasy, and the server that i want to open i want to open it 1 time and for lot years.


    That i have to say.


    The most fail server was:

    L2Dalexni. (just playing for months and then closed) lOl

  5. Καλημέρα για ακόμα μία φορά.... Αυτή τη φορά δεν θα ρωτήσω κάτι το πολύ δύσκολο αλλά περιμένω πολλές ανταποκρίσεις!!!

    Στο θέμα μας!!!


    Έφαγα 1 ολόκληρη μέρα στο να προσπαθώ να φτιάξω ένα γ@μ@ σέρβερ για να χαβαλεδιάζουμε εγώ με τα φιλαράκια μου μέχρι που ξαφνικά βρεθήκαμε μέσα 30 άτομα γνωστοί!!!


    Το πρόβλημα μου είναι ότι...... Το ΚωλοPack που έχω έχει πολλές ελλείψεις!!!

    π.χ ----> Όλα τα class δεν έχουν από πολλά skills!!!!

    p.x2----> Tα Buffs δεν λειτουργούν όλα!!!!



    Ουσιαστικά τι ζητάω????


    Να μου δώσετε ένα Pack το οποίο μέσα να έχει ένα σωστό και καλό στήσιμο για να κάνω εγώ την αρχή και θα το φτιάξω σιγά σιγά!!!!!!


    (*) Thnks προκαταβολικά (*)

    Edw einai gia Client mods alla telos panton!


    Kane me add skype> (lifeowner666) <Tha s help egw :)

  6. Quoted and recorded for all time on our IRC...thanks for the lol!


    Explain it more please, and if is possible and you can add me at Skype will be more interesting and more easy to speak, cause from here it's spamming.


    if you interesting something from my services add me at (lifeowner666) <Skype name.

  7. Πιο name σας αρεσει για server?












    Αλλιως προτεινετε αλλο!



    Akougete poio wraio alla tha s prwtina na mn epileksis ap' auta alla na kaneis ena as poume mikro e.x L2Tube / L2Freak / L2Side / L2Dark / L2Screw

    Elpoizw na boithisa lgaki s sxesh m serv name.


    Eisai apo ellada h russia? :D


  8. thx


    Do you wanna create a real good server with Machine? I am L2JDev i have the knowledge of Java language well. You can contact me from Skype (lifeowner666) Something else, PM me.




    In maximum next 10-15 days i am swearing that the server will be ready if his answer me soon and agree to i make his server.

  9. Exete anarwtithei pote sas oti mporei me t malwmata sas isos na einai kai o logos p to mxc twra ftanei to max 60 atoma Online ? K oxi perisotero? Opws palia? Giati arage kante auto t pragma.... aporw.... akoma t aporw.... blepete t gnt k sinexizete.... mn sinexizete allo ilikrina t forum sto telos tha paei gia locked // closed.... telos panton....


    //on topic:

    Otan eixa kanei egw ekei account htan 2010 apo oti thumamai h 2009, dn t sinexhsa omws, les na pira kanena tsampa frago? :D

  10. Good work man! You sell code? :P


    Note: You have many tabs open lol!


    The code isn't selled yet :P

    I just can do this application with your game project, or your website for free, only for MxC members :)


    Also, i will update it as soon as possible with a specially Theme (Black edition). :) hope that will makes people more interesting about it.

  11. Hello all MxC, today i gonna share with you my project, that will be a demo only to see how works, full pictures about protection + how it works.


    So, that project made in Vb.Net.


    Some pictures:


    Picture 1:




    Picture 2:





    That was a preview.

    You're not sure? You're afraid if is a password stealer? or something like that? i have full information that is maximum Trusted and Safe.


    How it does too much trust?

    This program, when you create an account, it will crypt your USERNAME and PASSWORD with MD5 encryption. Here i have the pictures if you don't believe me.


    Protection preview:




    You still not believe? Do you want a virus result? i already scanned it via viruschief.com:


    Results are:



    Antivir: Nothing found

    ArcaVir: Nothing found

    AVG: Nothing found

    BitDefender: Nothing found

    VirusBlokAda32: Nothing found

    VirusBuster: Nothing found


    Report overview

    Scanned by viruschief.com




    This program can be used for Games, Websites, Forums, and everything what you want, i have here a demo (sample) program that shows to you how it does works, that project can be used like a Game Manager or something by your wish, we have this support available for your projects.


    It's free for MxC users, who wants to get it just contact me at skype (lifeowner666).




    Authentication Login (Demo).zip


    Enjoy the demo to see how does works! For problems / Errors / Questions replay to this topic or add me on skype. (lifeowner666)


    Credits: Me

  12. Ok and i am like trains, but i do not like 1 think.



    G.Mod you can lock this topic if you want :) that i had to informate to the users of this community, i know that sure, cause he was logged in from my computer. :o

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