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Everything posted by luntxian

  1. [Release]AIBOliT BOT bot download link AIBOliT contains three tabs with settings and common to all tabs, the left panel.On it are an indicator of health goals and indicators of health, mana, experience, your character. Also buttons: "Turn on / off" and "combat mode". Off the bot does not interfere in the game and does not monitor the state of the character and purpose.In combat mode the bot will automatically attack target, heals himself, sits down, collects himself drop and Buffalo.When the bocho but off combat mode bot can only Buffalo.When clicking on the picture "The new versions ..." General tab. "Selection of objects" - enter the key on which you put this feature. "Find the enemy" - allows you to automatic target search.If off, the bot will attack only you have selected to manually aim. "Rest" - specify at what level of HP or MP to sit down and under which to stand.Also you can enable or disable these features. "Use a bottle treatment" and "Use a bottle manna" - on what key you have installed the appropriate bottle (or Skills), as well as the level of health or mana which uses a bottle.To activate this feature, select "Use".The bottles are only used during the battle, and the rest only after the battle. General tab. "The main cycle of battle" - here the sequence of keystrokes, and pauses. Button "Insert" - insert after the selected command or the end of the list, if nothing is selected. "Change" - change the command in the selected row in the introduction.Double click on the command line is copied into the configuration. "Delete" - deletes the selected command. Bookmark "Buffy". Here you specify the keys that contain the necessary buffs or other functions that need to be repeated after a certain number of seconds.If repeat is set to 0 seconds, so this buff is not used.
  2. Free AionKtz USEU Bot update to v2.99 update to v2.99 and here is the English version download link: English version download link[/url] the French version download link: French version download link the German version download link: German version download link the Swedish version download link: Swedish version download link please feel free to contact us if u have any bug or comment. Please use the following account and password to login bot. account:ktztest password:888888 1. download the bot file , and extract it to your computer. 1
  3. Aion gold hacks(1,000,000 g per hour) today my friend give me the bot,i have try! cick here to download run the bot and use a account that lvl<20 must,than press F11 in the aion game,hoho,,,, 1,000,000 g per hour
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