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Everything posted by FrozenWarrior

  1. hahaahahhahaaaha ! spam spam spam spam spam spam ! ;)
  2. 25 ban hahahha xD mine is only regular member - regular member - regular member - regular member :/
  3. LauQ I Think He Has the same problem with me ... navicat...problem or somethink like that .
  4. http://gsp-l2.freehostia.com/index-2.php xD all use dot.tk :) anyway nice features !
  5. hmm nice features !!! i think this is good server if deticated it will be nice... dot.tk ftw??? i know the real site :)
  6. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!-- Dyes ---> <list> <item id="1"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4613" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="2"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4614" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="3"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4615" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="4"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4616" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="5"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4617" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="6"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4618" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="7"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4619" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="8"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4620" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="9"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4621" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="10"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4622" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="11"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4623" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="12"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4624" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Erase One Line ! <item id="13"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4553" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="14"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4554" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="15"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4555" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="16"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4556" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="17"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4557" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="18"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4558" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="19"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4559" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="20"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4560" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="21"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4561" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="22"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4562" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="23"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4563" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> <item id="24"> <ingredient id="57" count="50000000" enchant="0"/> <production id="4564" count="10" enchant="0"/> </item> </list> i find it ! xD
  7. Cook to guide einai telio kai m fenete to client mod para polu eukolo bravo file !!!!!!! euxaristo gia to guide !
  8. και οι περισότεροι παίζουν x5000 και πάνω γιατί από low δεν βλέπω πολύ. ... .. . . . και φτιάχνουν και x5000 και πάνω δικούς τους σέρβερ xD
  9. ta spaei kai fenete polu eukolo !!!!! na se rothso kati omos .. ekei p leei nameofutx.utx to afhnoume nameofutx.utx ??? :D
  10. συμφονώ απόλυτα και εγώ όταν βγαίνω βόλτα θα πάω για μπάσκετ θα πάω για μπάλα θα βρω κάπου να πάω άμα ξέρεις την περιοχή ξέρεις που να πας αλλά και να μην ξέρεις θα βρεις άμα ψάξεις !
  11. ama den exei sql .. gia tn navicat... pos 8a uparxoun stn server?
  12. o server einai sto C:/ ama ennoeis doulebei kanonika gia to gmshop to gmshop dn 8elei quests .. :S pes m ama exeis tn server stn C:/
  13. tosa guide exei... pernas sql mesa sta gameserver/data/stats/armor-weapon analoga... kai meta sto itemname-weapongrp gia weap... itemname-armorgrp gia armor ktlp ...
  14. einai palio nai kai katarxhn leei pos bgazo ta announcements oi pos bazo.. sto tittle tou topic .. :/
  15. ama einai to prob s ta skill.... delete items kai augements .. kai 3anaperna to sql kai 8a eisai GG dn 8a upar3ei prob me to items... ego stn server m nmzo exo krathsei backup xoris char :)
  16. nice website l2 style .. but rate of server x3003 ?? cant 3000? hhaha xD
  17. 8a exei items kai pali omos ... dn 8a ta parei kaneis apla 8a uparxoun .. :S gt etc exo kanei wipe kai dn exei paei tpt la8os ..
  18. nai 8a sas akousei tora o banned author e ??? request for lock topic owner banned !
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