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Everything posted by timecage

  1. Links are dead - or at least the one for Interlude is. Please reshare this beauty :<
  2. The thing I posted eariler doesn't work. I'm not even sure if this is a client or server side thing. Is there anyone here with knowledge of l2j sources? Where should I look to find daylight/night variables?
  3. *bump Anyone has some new thoughts about this? I have just revisited my efforts and the situation is the same. No matter what I do I still get NO reaction to clicking the Login button T_T I did everything exactly like I always do for l2j and it works for L2GraciaFinal. Why doesn't it for C4? It doesn't seem to be a GG problem since I have disabled it and it shows no errors...
  4. So there is a unicode patch for interlude. I hope it works. Thanks for the share. Edit: Well... it doesn't. I can't write ółźżńęł in chat in interlude... :(
  5. [EnvSetup] IsClock=true StartTime=12 TimeRatio=6 I found something like this in env.int. Maybe it's enough to set the TimeRatio to 1?
  6. Yeeaah... Fyyre is totally godlike. But the oldest unichat mod I can find on that website is for CT1.5. No Interlude T_T.
  7. I presume some of you will scold me for this but I really need it. I use l2j and I need to be able to display unicode characters in html files. And in player chat. Would anyone please help me? It's really important.
  8. The above is my gameserver authorised and me trying to login with a client 3 times - with no success.
  9. T_T I just don't get it... It should work and it doesn't. I've done exactly all what you told me. loginserver.properties: # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname= # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname= server.properties: # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * ExternalHostname= # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * InternalHostname= l2.ini: Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter ServerAddr= Is all above correct? Should I do anything else or differently? I'm really out of ideas here... but I'm awfully thankul for all your help so far!
  10. Tried this also. And I can't use an unpatched system because then I can't edit l2.ini.
  11. Well. I've put my public IP in gameserver config, loginserver config and in l2.ini. No change - doesn't work and doesn't give errors T__T. The system folder is patched and a no-gg patch by fyyre applied. Maybe it's the wrong revision problem? But one would think there would be errors if it were that...
  12. Hi there. I'm trying to make a C4 server on l2j basis. I have no problems configuring it (all IPs were set to and it works without problems. What I don't understand is why can't I connect to it. I've patched the system folder of the client, applied a no-gg patch, changed destination IP in l2.ini. I have even tried several system folders from other servers (I only changed the IP). And so I run the client, type in my login and password and bloody nothing happens when I click login. It has been this way despite any of my efforts. What's more interesting both login and game server show NO errors. Not even wrong revision error. Pure nothingness. Please help me with this.
  13. Hello everyone. This is my first post on this forum and unfortunately it's a question :). But oh well. I was wondering whether it's possible to change the duration of day and night in L2 (I am using pure l2j). So for example day would last 16 hours and night would be 8 hours. Of course this affects fishing, Von Hellman and various other things. But sieges, seven signs and such should be left unspoiled with this. So? Is it possible and if yes then how? I would be eternally grateful for help with this.
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