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About nucivar

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  1. Fast? He never answer on skype
  2. Reliable and faster !!! All fine
  3. I'm selling adena on rpg-club x3 1kk = 0.6€ in stock ATM 30kk. or i can buy rur for you if u can't donate from europe. I accept paypal or payza. Pm here with ur skype. 100% Safe, no scam.
  4. can make discount!
  5. I was online on skype while you was posting here, That's why i put my skype on 1st post.. i can't check every minutes my thread... i'm a bit busy today, you can find me on skype.
  6. fast i need money >.<
  7. hate people adding me on skype and they dissapear, tomorrow i have the money on my paypal etc.. and the next day they don't show up... people are making threads on this forum http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=230864.0 and they disspear lol ^_^ , what a fake :/ if u are really interested contact me.. i never scammed someone.
  8. Paranoia are you interested or you make fake threads? :( , still waiting
  9. paranoia how i contact you? try to send me a pm or type here your msn or skype
  10. paranoia i sell more cheaper then him, contact me on skype: nucivar
  11. pm or skype nucivar - 160€ 1000M - 16€ 100M payment method paypal. or WTT adena for timecards.
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