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About garay

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  1. ty guys!also,is there anything for safe enchanting armors and jewelery too????like this with hero weapons??
  2. ty 4 answeing man,when you mean hero weapons you mean the infinity weapons that the gm shop is selling??also how many gemstones a are necessary for one+enchant??ty again
  3. guys hi can someone plz tell me how we use in game the gamsestones a???is there any use for safe enchanting on the weapons??(hero,other??)noone in game tell me plz guys telle me their use,ty a lot,also if you re looking for clan members pm name in game:0d3t,ty4 help
  4. guys on this server which is the max enchant for weapons and armor things??ty
  5. man hi plz can you telle me how to use these archives??copy-paste??if yes where??are these archieves work for other servers too(for example l2 c5 dreamnet)??ty a lot 4 answering
  6. hi everyone i m playing on l2 java dreamnet greek server an i have this problem:when i put my accountname and my pass(this account has 8 characters) i login as usual but i can only login in the game with 7 of my 8 characters..i cannot login with my main character only with the freight-characyers you know.....:(:(:(and everytime i try to login with my main character there is laggggg in the loading screen and nothing happens.....................with ctrl+alt+delete and end of project it shows me this:History: WM_DESTROY <- UWindowsViewport::ViewportWndProc <- WWindow::StaticProc <- WM_UNKNOWN <- UWindowsViewport::ViewportWndProc <- WWindow::StaticProc <- DispatchMessage <- 001F040A 16 <- MessagePump <- MainLoop what can i do???plzzzzz helpppp(pm)
  7. oxi re c electrician apla mallon to apoktaei k o allos p exei pantreftei
  8. guys hi, mporei kapoios na m pei an iparxei gamos ston bnb k an nai pws ginetai????kanontas gamo mporeis na antalakseis skill me ayton p pantrevesai???plz opois kserei as kanei post i as m steilei ena pm ty
  9. marinos_kapernekas@hotmail.com
  10. hello guys, i m playing on a c5 java server and i was wondering which is the way to put this new sa mortal strike on our daggers.plz if anyone knows plz post here or send me a pm ty(i m greek)
  11. GREEK: paides hi, paizw l2 bnb c4 k exw enan abyss walker.opws katalavainete exw trelathei sta miss:(gi ayto eftiaksa ayto to topic an kserei kanenas an mporoume na valoume to might mortal akoma s opoiodipote dagger(p.x crystal,demons sword,stiletto) me opoiondipote tropo(p.x quest) as postarei edw i as m steilei ena pm na m pei an iparxei tropos,plz.Ty guys:) ENGLISH: guys hi, i m playing on l2 bnb c4 server and i have an abyss walker.as you understand im doing all the time miss:(that's why i made this topic so if anyone know any way to put might mortal again as sa on any dagger(for example crystal dagger,demons sword etc)plz post here or send me a pm if there is any way..ty guys
  12. guys hi im playing on l2 bnb c4 server an i have done all that you had mentioned before.but when i change the value into -1 nothing happens in l2 and the money stays the same as before:(maybe its fixed:(well do yiu know any trip which works on l2 off servers like bnb so we can make some adena??plz pm ty anyway.merry christmas!
  13. So guys, the codes must be sent only by pm!!!!!!!!!to those who really want to know and use them:)not in public because there are people who have the lUCK TO BE GMS! and who will never let us have fun.So not in public and especially the codes must be sent to people who are well-trusted(gold members etc)
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