Εχουμε μια κατασταση εδω
Το ban στο -4 σημαινει,οτι μετα απο 4 dekarma τρως ban,εφοσον δεν εχεις κανει κατι share για να ανεβει
εχεις ενα karma log με 4 -
αυτο ειναι για ban or not?
Seems that last vendetta with donation only for +12 weapons didn't get him much money,so bigger enchants=more money=better for him
The only reason i am happy about this,is about laughing to ppl face's that joined this and supported moneymaking of pyro
Vs necro,you try to silence him(first of all)
don't use slug,use it when vortex is about to end,this - cast spd is a pwnage
drain life from his pet,if he has one
lol topic,junk
req dev help gr