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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Actually features suck,in first week you will have +16 weapons/armors and people going around with 2-3 skills
  2. last warn about posting greek in here
  3. k We don't touch old topics,don't be stupid It's at 20+ page..
  4. solved-locked
  5. don't dare to c/p my avatar ffs
  6. Last post @ 2009 ..
  7. impulse check report for lock thread for a while
  8. Stop annoying my last unread posts with ur shitty replies,ffs
  9. Yes,locked the link :/ ... (now post the topic link)
  10. What's wrong with him?
  11. ye,we were rdy to desticky this topic cz of inactivity
  12. saying the exact same thing
  13. don't revive old topics
  14. eh??
  15. hi lelouch
  16. pentakill with katarina is easy :d
  17. Who cares,steal 2-3 kills and ulti rdy
  18. Just a newbie questions I need to make Dark Crystal Robe at human male, looking like DC light How can i do it?
  19. Διαβασε τους κανονες για το posting αλλο ενα τετοιο και θα τιμωρηθεις
  20. He is sharing little things,should he get karma for each colored weapon?huh? I would like to have that section seperated to Armors/Weapons/Misc ,but ..
  21. Καλημερα δεν μπορω να διαβασω το topic απο τα πολλα + αθλια greeklish, lol
  22. Γιατι οποτε κανω ddos οτιδηποτε ακυρο κολαει το mxc,ffs
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