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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. yeap carried the first game gg
  2. btw, what servers did u try that to?
  3. Enemies were kinda high elo(1500 , up to 1900) Just 2gud bot and jungler (Random wu-kong was TRASH)
  4. She was too much time @ mid btw, he was 1900 elo :P
  5. Yap, time to totally pwn nabs playing with him :)
  6. I was playing as AD carry 15 times :/ yorick
  7. No wonder why you have so many wins lately tho
  8. guessed that will work but if you had the account before the server seperating , then your name already exists in west anyway, whats ur acc name(pm or here)
  9. i am in, guess the other guys too you cant get free rename , i guess atleast try that tho :P
  10. Besides the 'ranked' team, staying at east is pointless You should move to west anyways :)
  11. who the fack still plays at east :/
  12. god damn it :(
  13. Most OP champion of all times?Mang, Morgana is OP so much time zZ
  14. worst build in sejuani ever seen :/
  15. Reptant_

    No way

    Whatever. But since its sticky, it's only maxtor's job. We can't do anything I will take care of that topic, as soon as sticky ends
  16. i just saw it. Replies removed, and the -1 reputation remains
  17. Reptant_

    No way

    he used proxy or something else to gain topic views i will remove that topic as soon as the sticky ends.
  18. Sure, dont make Last Whisper, who cares about armor.
  19. dat finito ultra carry everything
  20. you could have used report wrong section topic moved anyway
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