Yes but tha's the point
If in first week +16 bows appear,it will ruin balance
i,with +10 bow and bosses hit a mage ~5k(Sagi)Imagine GS damage on mages...
but server is still ok if you fix bugs+buffer,archers in good range,mages deal good damage
community is
i would suggest you buy another pack..this is FULL of bugs
buy a 40$ pack and you will be ok i think....
PS:Remember-if anything happens in DB i must have a db+10 after-won at event 8)
PS2:What's the enchant rate?everyone has +10 weapons....
In Ventic server the first 'Karkiniaris' appeared and pmed me 'I FUCK YOUR MUMMA' and then block
GG Adolesxhs(aka DaReaper or Reaper Or someone else(?)
Also,something that has to do with ur pack
When mobs in upper level,many times you cannot hit them,you need press ctrl,or move beside,or you cannot even hit them
Pollen and event medals are needed? if not pls remove them
Increase xp rate in farm zone
Little fix in buffers
/unstuck-make it less seconds and (opinion)put it in another town
Make pvp zones have some good to fight in,like a little raid boss spawned there in random time 30-1h and so people will stay there.Elseway all will be at farm zones