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Everything posted by Reptant_

  1. Re file ta pragmata einai apla exeis SHARED full L2Off packs sto SHARE exeis cracked protections exeis 2-3 tromera guides An vreis DEV(p dyskolo to vlepw-prp na parei lefta k borei na se prodosei) enan KALO DETICATED afta... (L2Off dn 8es na anoi3eis?)
  2. why u respect him?
  3. Pote den 3ereis.To sigouro einai oti einai floot attack..vevea apo poly kalytero HOST
  4. I think that guys have a different opinion
  5. etc ginetai otan tn kanw tn mafia down Prwta GAMWLAGAREI gia 2-3 min,meta kolaei meta to START(selection screen) meta lagarei k oso login k na patas dn koynietai,meta otan patas login kanei DC k sto telos einai down Logika kapoy apo phx sas kanei attack i me kapoio flood apef8ias sto gameserver
  6. SoFaKi u started the same as 1tm ? nice xD
  7. make a deal Revenger-Grisom if revenger loses Grisom dekarma him by 14 and Coyote give 14 karma to GrisoM there are solution u can't see them
  8. ur are very lucky
  9. felipe melo was the end of brasil :/
  10. totally agree
  11. Os to Hellbound to STR dn pezei rolo...an deis ena antistoixo sto english section gia WR os gracia fisika k dn miono poly STR
  12. einai apolytos logiko na symvei,prp na exeis poly ligo myalo gia na mn to skefteis alla ok borei merikoi na mn to i3eran
  13. Συμφωνω Δεν το εχω ξαναδει πουθενα αυτο
  14. ti akoyme,to seraphim exei inventory-esy ftiaxneis tn srv?ma8e L2 prwta :D k filos,an 8es na ftia3eis swsta ton server,mn katafeygeis se tetoies liseis,apla ftia3e to bug me Java code
  15. and what will u upgare? in mine first i updated RAM(512 to 4GB) after Graphics card(it lagged even in dota :/) now it's just perfect(maybe needs a new proccesor in 1 year )
  16. wooden pc? send us your hardware here xaxa i had a PC that loaded DotA in ~8.5 minutes
  17. self succide is winning
  18. i wish Netherlands lose today
  19. lol 3 years ago DONATOR member was 20$ for 6 months and Platinum(aka something like VIP)was 100$ for 6 months and now it's 10$ for donate and 25$VIP lifetime...a little regret buying dona and not VIP,if maxtor makes me discount i will do :/
  20. Surely(what game is that :o) Chucky = International spammer oO
  21. Poland spam topic better activity from here even SoFaKi and SeTh post there...
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