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About Aidas

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Oh, I found thaht, it's RequestRestartPoint.java in clientpackets I think... ?
  2. I know that getEffetct(skill) , I need java file, where is all abbout "to village button" ? :)
  3. Hi, could someone tell me how to that player will get auto noblessed after death ? Thanks.
  4. Jesus... I'll absolutely try this system, OMG OMG..
  5. And what that donator status gives to the player ?
  6. I need only one NPC that would be untargetable, so I can make an instance something like ChristmasTree.java ? :)
  7. Hi, how can I make that players couldn't target some npcs ?
  8. OMG!!! Thanks, it might be the best GM Shop for Interlude I ever seen. :)
  9. I'm so sorry, was drunk :D Don't need help, please lock or delete this topic.
  10. what row ??? I dont understand
  11. It's a pretty stupid question, but how turn polymorphed NPC to another side ? :D
  12. Ohh, sroyy. It's interlude. Project L2jEqual. It's closed, but i'm continue it... I've searched for days how to fix that...
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