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Everything posted by ezzo

  1. so server will be open today for sure?
  2. i have a problem with your forum i didint recive mail with activation, dunno why i registered 2 mails and still nothing
  3. it can be good server
  4. yea main website is off dunno why and they got some problems...but forum work
  5. 300+? interesing but i see at forum just a 105 Guests, 43 Users
  6. http://www26.zippyshare.com/v/93722113/file.html patch to english language
  7. u think at forum is 700 bots? and better playing on server with 500 bots 1k online and be sure server is stable got good protection than playing on other shity server with 100 online 90 bots sorry for double post
  8. and u think at forum is 700 bots ?
  9. Opening date x1200: March 2 (Saturday) at 18:00 GMT http://crush.su/ Russian website but u can translate in google chrome . There will be more than 1-1,5k online for sure as u can see at forum - ExpSp - x1200 | Adena - x1200 | Quest - x25 - Balanced chronicles Interlude - Game Type: Classic-PVP - Start Date: March 2, 2013 at 18:00 Moscow time - 36 slots buff - Auto-learning skills - Convenient personal account in the game (Dial chatting. Menu) - Best Geodata (A better) - Daily eventy and PvP tournaments - Availability Block Buff - / Unstuck - 15 seconds - Protect your account against Brutus, by adding the prefix - Shortened quest Nobless (all items are in gmshope) - The maximum number of allowable SUB-Class - 3, without taking the quest! - Classic Competition, maximum sharpening on Olympus 6 - For the fight to 5 people - Period 1 week Olympiad
  10. ok now everythink looks good:) gl guys
  11. its look like ddos ,another project without correct protecion.....
  12. after downloading your system is impossible run a game.Errors, so your patch is -beep-ed up.I got new system
  13. why forum is off? some problems...?
  14. u are lucky guys l2 club will start at 08 so u can get more ppl :)
  15. agree with geo i do not recommend this server.Some bugs many dc, server is mor off than on, low community less than 100 for sure.
  16. it seems like they dont know how to fix problem from 1h server up server down server up server down and admin made post everythink is ok seems fine .:)
  17. lol is not still down fuck sake
  18. Yea only website? Than fix the login, some ppl still can't log, server have laggs, impossbile to play, every 5min dc and server have max 50 ppl online.Btw change topic name to: [L2OFF]L2Rapture.net presents Fail Episode [15/02/2013 Opening]
  19. login off? website also down and u got only problem with to many connection? hehe i think its bigger problem but anyway u lost a many ppl....
  20. i made donat 10 points and i bought bow from the list and still dont have item after rr ... nice server
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