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About CrackTunes

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  1. Hey, can any one say me what dyes i have to use for a Ertheia class Eviscerator and what Boss Jewels?
  2. Hey guys, i m playing on a GoD highrate server. i have a Feoh 99 there what is the best pvp Jewels setup for me? Atm i have Blesses zaken's erring istina'S necklace
  3. Hello guys, i m looking for some Pics about the skills what is available to enchant on the ISS. Active and Passive Thanks & greetz CrackTunes
  4. i found 500KK adena on server Naia :-)
  5. Hey guys, what is the better Necklace for my Doomcryer Valakas Necklace or Freya's Necklace?
  6. What is the skill to make low the hp on GK ?
  7. Hey guys, i m looking for a LLineage 2 option.ini with lowest settings what we can make GamePlayViewportX=800 GamePlayViewportY=600 and Windows mode :) thanks
  8. My fist char wars a Dwarf class Maestro on server L2 Darkkingdom now the name is l2inc ~ 2006/2007 here a Video from old clan now i playing on the official severs Naia (EU)
  9. Hey guys, what about the viruses at l2control? i downloaded it form the offical page and Gdata give me alert.... -> virustotal <- File name: l2control.rar Submission date: 2010-10-03 07:01:39 (UTC) Current status: queued (#4) queued (#4) analysing finished Result: 24/ 38 (63.2%) http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=03e4fed60164137234fe93c40e012e6ada38f2130c3320103deaf6210e69c119-1286089299# what you tink about it ?
  10. Hey guys, i play on a Lineage 2 server is looks like the server have a protection for ZRanger... give it any way to make that the ZRanger works ?
  11. Hey guys, what are the best 3 subclasses for Mystic Muse? for subclass skills
  12. Heyy guys, i want to request a guide about a Mystic Muse i want to play it but dunno how to play :) dyes buffs, places ect is very helpfull thanks :) <3
  13. Hello MaxCheater's, i want to buy Mystic Muse +80+ Adena 5 - up to 10KKK "Billionen" Wizard Hat Paypal only ! send pm with price! All stuff mast on Server Teon Offical server
  14. cant login on bot, website is down. the end?? All of the accounts are deleted.... and now is the page down... i change my L2 account password.. dunno whats happening
  15. Helly Guys, I Use the L"PacketHack v3.5.33.164. My Problem: For many Scripts i must need the "More (Advanced)" tab But i only have 3 Tabs: View - Packet Send - Additional .. Can u help me?
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