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Posts posted by kuriku

  1. seek the xml of what you want to change and


    <player olympiad ="true" />



    It only works for skill that you don't want to work in Olympiad mode. He wants opposite. Skills that only works on Olympiad.



    Cancel type skills is a part of Lineage II, but anyway...


    Find the handler skills (Cancel, StealBuffs) and write a condition for only use in OlympiadState:





  2. Use a simple script to registrer the players (like a QuestState). Depending of the event use one or two registration metod (st1 & st2 for example for two teams), and depending of how ends your event, use...


    Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values();

    for (L2PcInstance player : pls)


    ...to find all the players registred. Also you must write the "winner conditions" under.

  3. We're trying to solve the gloves-fist problem. We're using a combination of Blender, 3ds Max and Unreal to fix it, but i'm afraid it's very hard for our knowledge. If anyone find an updated guide to make models (Umodel cannot be used, it broke some bones sometimes, and L2UKX has some problems too), it will be helpful.


    Anyway, post all the .utx bugs, like Twilight Robe Shoes, and we'll solve it quickly. Just write the name of the set, the bodypart and the sex/race, and we'll fix it.

    Thnx for all the comments and thnx if someone find a solution or an advice.

  4. 1. not 240 Euros

    2. all packs in the new are bugged, like shoulderpads,icons,textures bla bla bla

    3. who give support for it? nobody

    4. A lot time losed for share free? is not the fact why? because for do it need time, knowledge.

    We have a life, is not all lineage and about shares is not same like paint texture in photoshop or something like that, you know process for make UKX Files? not OUAKX eh!!! I mean using UnrealED, you know what you need change? anyway I want spend my time because anyway i'm a -leeching-, but before it all say oh my god you are a god developer, you are a perfect guy bla bla bla, but not see what I do before and act like kid insulting in threads developers sell his work, and yes the animations are original from NCSOFT but is not only work developers do, you can do own models and combine models like this.



    That's good. It's your time, you have a price. I don't matter if you sell your work, and I don't matter your work's price. Everybody has a life, and nobody wants to waste it. We can accept this.


    But in my opinion, I (or we) can't accept that you, a MxC MOD, you don't want to help the ppl that wants to learn and "no-leech" the work of others. I posted a problem in "Help section" and the only solution that your ppl give was "squeeze your brains" or "do it yourself". Now, in my GOD's armors post, for example, shoulderpads are fixed, and it is not for your help. And I'm sure that you know the gloves-fist problem solution, but you have your own economic interests.


    That's a MOD work¿? If your economic interests contradict your MOD work, do you choose the economic interests¿? It's shameful.


    Your free to sell your work, I repeat, I don't matter this. But if it's your behavior, and if you won't help us cuz your pocket it's more important... If I were you, I would renounce. I'm newbie in MxC doing contributions, but if it's the MxC spirit, I'm dissapointed. I wish the other MODs read this and understand that if you have responsibilities with MxC's users, you can't f**k to us against a few $$$.

  5. The problem is about only for the gloves, and it's a problem por the editing animation (ukx files). In some gloves the mesh is the same of others retail gloves from Freya, and we can use this to solve the 50% of the gloves, but it is not a real solution.

    The gloves doesn't attach correctly the Dual Fist, but actually i don't know how to solve it cuz only happens with Fists. It would be different if the problem was in all weapon's type.

    We'll be grateful for all the help and advices that you could give us. And thx for all the comments.


    PSD: we'll reupload the icon.utx file soon.

  6. I see you use Interlude Chronicle. I think you must change the bodypart of the armor in your sqls files. Change the type "accessory" to "helmet".


    To change a color of a accessory you must to edit the *.utx file. Extract the texture, modify the color in Photoshop and import and encrypt again. You can find tutorials about how to do it in this forum, or in google, finding "editing utx files"


    And a third advice. Don't ask for a emergency help still your mom burst in flames. Emergency it's too big word, for this "problem" that you have.

  7. SaphireUniverse You are da man! sharing this stuff! i been w8 this day when some one will share God Armors and it came true! ;D + in Megaupload every thing is just perfect :)

    Btw coming september pplz are sharing realy cool things ^_^ Long life customs :D


    Thnx dude for your comment. I'been waiting the day to share it since I and MrChuky started to make this work, for everybody, and FOR FREE.

  8. Look on L2PcInstance when player kills another one. Just type:


    SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo("skill ID", "skill level").getEffects(this, this);


    Remember write the "victory skill" as a DUMMY_SKILL in xml files, without hitTime.


    If for your view it's dangerous edit the core with this things, I recommended you making a script combining the onEnterWorld and onDeath functions, and put the last line correctly when someone deaths by a player.


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