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Everything posted by Desdenova

  1. It is a fact that it was working on white][eagle when it was gracia final. I dont know if it is still possible now that the server became full epilogue...
  2. actually it isnt even a trick...
  3. wow hypnotising animation :D
  4. hmm... nice but not really awesome... You just copy-pasted the pic, didn't you??
  5. nah it doesnt look like nightmare... robe is majestic.
  6. Cool armor thank you. (sorry for double, how can i delete one of my posts??)
  7. So much detail :D Pretty sight. Can you tell me what do the words written in the outer circle mean?
  8. Well thats not an exploit mate... Banish seraph has a lethal strike chance, like the bishop's and elven elder's turn undead skill.
  9. Cool stuff :) The light purple/almost pink is a bit tiring for the eye and stands out alot but i guess that's the special treat on this armor
  10. Loipon milame gia POW = Prophecy of water h POW = Prophecy of wind? To CoV anevazei patk, pdef, matk, mdef, crit rate, accuracy, attack speed, casting speed kai katevazei movespeed To PoWind dinei idia ola me to CoV me mia diafora: Ligotero accuracy, megalytero crit rate To Magnus dinei matk (perissotero apo cov) mdef (perissotero apo cov) casting (idio me tou cov) HPs (ligotero apo to cov) kai DEN katevazei movespeed To PoWater dinei idia me tou Magnus me diafora oti katevazei poly to movespeed. An eisai tank pare cov (Xreiazesai to accuracy) An eisai fighter pare poWind (Exeis kalo accuracy opote s xrisimevei to crit rate) An eisai dagger pare cov h poWind den mas noiazei (Outws h allws oute to accuracy oute to critical rate epireazoun to poso pianoun ta blows) An eisai archer pare poWind (Thes oso megalytero crit rate ginetai) An eisai Necro, Sph, ol pare Magnus (Exeis drain, o necro exei transfer pain, o overlord exei soul guard, o sph exei arketo matk gia na gemizei me drains) An eisai sps, sorc, wc pare CoV (Den exeis apotelesmatiko tropo na gemizeis ta hps sou mesa sth maxh kai xamila def stats. Gia na xwneis prepei na mhn exeis pethanei opote kane oti mporeis na anevaseis thn amyna sou oso ginetai) Elpizw na se kalypsa
  11. Maybe you should make a thundercats sword to go along with the shield :P Oh and a Liono mask :D~
  12. oxi :( sthn parakatw grammh: 44 1 a,Critical hit!\0 1 79 9B B0 FF a, a, 0 0 0 0 0 a, a,battle\0 kserw oti to prwto exei na kanei me th thesh kai to trito kai to tetarto me to xrono. Kai meta apo peiramatismo syneidhtopoiisa to eksis. oti ola ta mhnymata fevgoun apo thn othonh taftoxrona. Diladi estw oti varaw ena mob. Pes oti to varaw ena hit (emfanizetai sthn othonh), me varaei afto ena(emfanizetai), to ksanavaraw(vgainei neo noumero panw apo to proigoumeno dmg) kai afto to hit einai kai critical (opote emfanizetai k afto sto plai). Meta to kanw allo ena hit (vgainei neo noumero) kai to skotwnw. Pernane 3 seconds kai eksafanizontai ola mazi. Diladi to teleftaio dmg p tou ekana, to critical p tou eixa kanei kai to damage pou efaga apo afto. Diladi anti na fevgoun to kathena sthn wra tous fevgoun taftoxrona apo thn othonh >.<
  13. to diavasa kai apantisa... eite to valw na einai 1 eite to valw na einai 9 to noumero pou mou eipes ta mhnymata sthn othonh menoun peripou thn idia wra. gyrw sta 7 seconds...
  14. Thank you both for your answers but they dont cover my question. I already knew from the guide you showed me mr criticalerror that numbers 3 and 4 are for time. My problem is that i kept experimenting with them both to try to make messages last one second but i found out that whatever number i put there the onscreen messages didnt leave the screen for ~7 seconds. What I wanted to know is what each of those two numbers exactly stands for. Thank you again.
  15. Kalispera paidia. Poly omorfo forum exete edw kai me vlepw na kollaw :D Exw anagh apo th vohtheia sas omws. Opws leei kai to subject tou topic xreiazomai vohtheia me to editing tou SystemMsg-e.dat. Xrhsimopoiw to L2File-edit gia na allaksw ta mhnymata kai ta xrwmata kai to na emfanizontai onscreen. To provlima mou einai sto pws na rythmisw ta mhnymata na emfanizontai onscreen gia akrivws to xroniko diastima pou ta thelw. (Milame gia Hellbound) Paradeigma: 44 1 a,Critical hit!\0 1 79 9B B0 FF a, a, 0 0 0 0 0 a, a,battle\0 ^ ^ Gnwrizw oti ta dyo mhdenika pou exw shmadepsei ef0ynontai gia to posh wra menei to mhnyma sthn o0onh alla den kserw to me poion tropo. Peiramatistika olokliro to vrady allazontas times kai sta dyo prospathwntas na kanw ta mhnymata na kratane ligo ligotero apo 1 sec alla afta eksafanizontai meta apo 7 8 seconds oti kai na valw... Kapoios na me vohthisei na mou pei ti shmainei to kathe noumero apo afta ta dyo kai ti times na valw gia na kanw to mhnyma na emfanizetai as poume gia 0.7 tou second? Efxaristw prokatavolika kai kalh mou arxh edw pera (prwto post) :) :) :)
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