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Posts posted by Beastlike

  1. Hasn't to be very smart for know that is not exactly as retail like , ofcourse is not . But is quite similar to it. At least is better server that all this servers that are in hopzone..

    I have told it already , skills are retail like , also gameplay. Obiously in retail there isn't global gk ... Npc buffer ... .

    With love.

    I am just wondering since L2Crow belongs to you why you are using 2 accnts?!
  2. Hello!! I am playing on x25 L2Victoria server.It is L2J and runs on Epilogue Client.The site is www.l2victoria.com

    If someone can test any exploits/bugs that actually work on this server,will make me very happy  :D :D

    pm me if someone finds anything<-----

    Thanks for reading and mostly for helping!

  3. Since most of the topics are closed or dead i decided to open this one.




    - 25x EXP Rates

    - 25x Adena rate

    - Global Gatekeeper

    - NPC Buffer

    - GM Shop until B.

    - Automated TvT Events

    - 1 month Olympiad

    - Auto Learn skills

    - 2 hours Buff Time


    - Balanced classes & skills!

    - class changer.

    - Sub Class max lvl 85

    - Nobless Quest Like Reatail.

    - Full hellbound island lvl 11.

    - Seed of destruction working.

    - Geodata & Pathnodes

    - Active development team

    - No downtimes!!

    - More to come, more to experience, just join to find out!





    Server soon is going to be Freya.


    Freya ?
    Take a moment and read what Freya will change , pls remember we are ruining on a java platform, ad we are not 100% retail with all changes, All Java developers works on bringing new quest zone mobs .... as fast as we can. Flaming forums ore in game chat will not help.



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