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Posts posted by Beastlike

  1. Server Features




    * Gracia Epilogue L2J Server!(Closed to retail one , in java version)

    * Not Custom Items!

    * Not Donations!

    * Gm Shops!

    * Npc Buffer! (Buffs duration --> 2 hours)

    * Working Instances!

    * Sieges & Fort Sieges

    * Anti-Grief system

    * Certifications skills like retail

    * 3 subclass allowed

    * Atrribute system till level 9

    * Boosted Blessed Scrolls enchant to 80%

    * Starting Buffer & Free gk for news!

    * Retail Olympiads (every two weeks new heros)

    * Fully working kamael race

    * Fully retail skills like

    * Fully working clan system

    * Skill auto learning

    * 22 buffs slots & 10 dances slots (You can take 26 buffs slots with divine inspiration)

    * Bugless geodata

    * DDOS protection system

    * Active staff

    * Class changer, no quest needed for 1st ,2nd , 3rd class (Will appear you an information window)

    * Not needing subclass quest!

    * Not needing noblesse quest! (You can find caradine letter at gmshop)

    * Castle benefits system

    * Bosses with customised drops

    * Customized Gks (Every normal gk has custom teleport to move every place needed)

    * Duel System

    * Mass pvp spots / farm areas (Cave of trials , elven fortress , esmerald square)

    * Hunter Village as arena

    * Wedding System

    * Cursed Weapons

    * Raid Bosses customs around the map (Drop->Coin of luck , Life Stones)

    * Grand Bosses buyable quests (Grand Bosses respawn every 10 hours)

    * TvT Event ! (Reward --> Adena , Blue Eva , Mouse Coin)




    - You aren't geting karma!

    - Every person you kill you earn a coin!

    - You can use this coin to buy items in the pvp zone!

    - When you die , you appear again in the pvp zone area!




    - Are you scared? Aren`t you having balls? Lest see it!

    - Bring your party! And advance in the tunnel!

    - While you are advancing , each mob will be harder!

    - While you are advancing , better drops will give the mob!

    - Test the drops by yourself (They have very good drop!) Take the risk!

    - Each mob respawn every hour!




    * Elven Fortress:



    - Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Atributte Stones , Blue Eva.

    - Raid Boss (respawn time 18-24 hours) ---> Adena , Atributte Jewels , Coins of Luck , Life Stones.


    * Cave of Trials:



    -Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Coin of Mouse.

    -Raid Boss (respawn time 18-24 hours) ---> Adena , Atributte Jewels , Coins of Luck , Life Stones.


    * Esmerald Square:



    -Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Atributte Crystals , Low chance Blessed Scrolls , Divine Inspiration Low Chance.





    ( In the forum , at Server Guides category , you will find instances guides)


    * Dark Cloud Mansion (Needing two persons)


    -Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Low chance Atributte Jewels , Low chance Life Stones.




    * Crystal Caverns (Needing quest items , buyables at exchange. You will need big party)



    -Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Atributte Jewels , Life Stones , Middle chance Coins of Luck.

    -Raid Boss ---> Boosted Adena , Boosted Atributte Jewels , Boosted Coins of Luck ,Boosted Life Stones.



    * Seed of Destruction (needing command channel)


    -Normal Mobs ---> Adena , Atributte Jewels , Life Stones , Low chance Coins of Luck.

    -Raid Boss ---> Boosted Adena , Boosted Atributte Jewels , Boosted Coins of Luck , Boosted Life Stones.




    Intel Core i7-920 Quadcore incl. Hyper-Threading Technology

    24 GB DDR3 RAM

    Hard discs 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD (Software-RAID 1)

    NIC 1 GBit OnBoard

    connected at 100 MBitBackup Space

    100 GBTraffic Unlimited




    Server ain't mine.

    Already got over 500 people online daily.

    Website : www.l2unit.com

  2. you are this person who write me pm that you ddos server and if i will not give you items you will never stop ? AHHAHHA but one question ... did you also send me mail from hoster that server will be close for 20 min (  some instalation need it for them )


    about all posts up reported and i hope you will get dekarma + warning .



    btw server is up

    hahaha no i just guessed.
  3. ceive in return the status of noblesse , opportunity to acquire the object to kill a special raidbosse)

    FakeGod Armor : (balance normal stat)

    Light - (Produces the following effects: Maximum HP/MP +500, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +8%, P. Def. +10%, DEX +3.)

    Heavy - (Produces the following effects: Maximum HP +1000, Atk. Spd./P. Atk. +6%, P. Def. +12%, CON +3.)

    Robe - (Produces the following effects :Maximum MP +1000, Casting Spd. +15%, M. Atk. + 10%, P. Def. +8%, WIT +3.)

    +1000 mp when others got hp seems useless.
  4. ti na skeftume?

    ta aglika tou tipou einai xirotera kai apo 10xronou,oso gia to ean ton thiksame i oxi,poli apla sti p..... mou.

    Δικό του το πρόβλημα!E ρε κάτι κόμπλεξ
  5. geodate will be fixed tomorrow (fully geodate)

    That's nice.


    Mage Bane , Warrior Bane , Mass Mage Bane , Mass Warrior Bane , Cancellation have too low hittime, you got canceled 100 % in 1 second ? lol.


    Suggestion : make hittime longer , and bigger re-use ( hittime=15 seconds for example ) and reuse delay for idk, many zeroes there.


    Also Curse Abyss , Anchor , Shield slam , bufftime=120 seconds to 30 seconds would be better.


    Increase augment skills (Stone boulder , shadow flare , etc ) delay between hits , to 3 seconds or something, cuz summoners pwn u in 1 second.


    Thanks and good luck fixing these things !

    i ve got to agree with the suggestions about banes-cancel etc.

    Let the augment as it is.


    Unbalanced.... really i don't like :/ but gl.

    You are wrong.With few fixes the server is going to be nice.
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