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Posts posted by embass

  1. Because it is not a farm server.


    It is about time you farmers realize it.


    Dismay is A PVP server. You farm 6-10 gear and PVP, not go for +16 weapons.


    If you want red glows, go play on l2j which will end up COMPLETELY f-ed up in few months.

    If you want to pvp then come on dismay.

    I said it before, but obviously nobody gets it. We are not a 1-day server. We are not starwars server. If you want ++ items, dismay is NOT a server for you.

    You get +7 armor sets and +10 weapon and start pvping. That is the kind of server dismay is.


    Most of the people crying for high enchant are super spoiled by lolL2j servers.

    We NEVER said we want a starwars server. Custom, pvp one where players spend time in front of EF pvp-ing, not inside of it farming.

    Yet majority wants to make it a starwars with 1-day fully geared boss & + 20weapon server. It will _NEVER_ be like that.

    Hardcore pvp'ers love it, farmers leave it.


    As for donators "issue".

    Are you honestly telling me you will loose to a donator just because your enchant on a weapon is -3 lower than his?

    If that is the case then you should honestly think it over why you are playing L2 after all.


    It is a game where skill matters most, not the gear.

    Saying that a server is ruined by donators who deal 100 more damage on 2,1-2,5k hit than you, is an act of jealousy of their enchant glow and not a real issue as you may say.


    There are plenty of fraps movies in the media section. I suggest you observe them a little. You just may even realize that majority of the people that kick ass has +10 weapon out of which almost none is donated.


    @Kurameboli, what weapon status? Are you saying we were wrong when we removed cancel effect from cancel stick? Or the conversion SA?

    Drop rate is not retail? What does that even mean? Of course it's not retail. If you want retail, go play on retail with x1.

    Buffs are not retail? Come on, now you're just trashing...


    Server is shit? Same goes for you as the guy above. Start spending time outside of EF and now inside of it.

    In the mean time, the below link speaks for itself.



    I doubt any "shitty" (as you referred to it) server would have this much pvp.


    Regards, Vim.

  2. If enchantment sucks then you will basically get a +7 weapon with same effort as a full-day player will, as they will want a high OE and break their weapon.


    But yeah, enchantment is low. We already said plenty of times why it is so.


    Boring? If you came to farm, yes, it is. If you came to pvp, far from that.

  3. one more person thats gives me reason about that asslicker


    You still haven't answered my question. Why so much hate?

    Did I ban one of your acc's for botting or something?

    Deleted trash thread on the forum?


    Do tell.


    There must be something that I did to piss you off, as no normal person would go on the forum and call others asslickers if he wasn't upset about something.

  4. It is no matter what we do, players complain that classes are unbalanced.

    We had mages slightly nerved, supposingly they were imba (30% population played them).

    Due to insane ranting from core clans, we nerfed the mages (15% population plays them now) and daggers.


    It should balance itself out once valor comes into play. We should see more mages then.

  5. Max is +12. If you see a higher oe, it means it was enchanted through a scroll.


    edit: Item log is now available per request only.

    Clan leaders will get automated permission in few days (need to modify the script).


    If you wish to look into someone's inventory, feel free to contact me over msn on vim@l2dismay.com and tell me your ip.


    Regards, Vim.

  6. gms in the server ARE STUPID all day corrupt :S this dude here has 2 duals +12 a bow +12 (max +12 enchant rate 50% :S ) duals +13 O.o and 8 hours playtime =]]


    Was wondering how long it would take before someone made a reply like this.


    People like you are the sole reason why I do not wish to make item log available to everyone (clan leaders + players on request only).


    If it stays the way it is, there will always be some random guy that will pull a lookup from a donator and make a mass corruption drama out of it.



    Thank you. I hope it goes the way I imagine it.


    On a sidenote,

    not giving out any promises yet, but we might be getting some automated events.  8)

    Should make it much more interesting!

  7. the fact that you two came here emo rage me after he posts the prints just proves how -beep-ed up and unstable you are about it..


    I am unstable? Not at all. But you ARE throwing unreliable screens at me which prove nothing except the fact you can visit teamspeak and use ping on cmd.


    Emoraging? Excuse me mr. "Ima gonna post KITZ U'r a faggut alla over dizmayz forumz and get banned 3+ times".

    You aren't welcomed there. Get it already. Ban means go away, not come back posting replies that equal to a 5yo kid who got his lolipop stolen.


    Whoever asked for a reply or clarification of something nicely, got it back politely. You on the other hand are trying to trash dismay in every possible way with a petty image you call proof using all kind of racial slurs to look BADASS.


    If i was nero i wouldnt have any problem saying it becouse i know the he is 20 times better than you as a player and better than that, as a person.


    If he is such a good person, why did he make the above picture then? If he didn't, then did you? Which brings me to the point of, are you the person that broke his weapon and now feel guilty cause he didn't get it back?


    Second. don't presume you know me. When you'll be my gf, have my kids and live under the same roof, THEN and only then you can say you know me and have the right to judge me.


    1. if he got hacked he had the same right as the other guy to ask for it doesnt he?


    Same right? Don't think so.


    3. Hacking into any account will lead to being banned immediately ( Applies to Server Side Hacking of Accounts) Player are responable for securing their own PC, players have to be responsible for their own account. GM's will not give back any item if your account was hacked, so if you want to give your login and password to anyone, you do it at your own risk.


    The person that got bow retreived got it retreived for two reasons: a) I was 100% certain his bow really was stolen. There was plenty of evidence of that.  For nero I wasn't. I don't know if you are aware or not but L2off does not have an item log.


    and B) he was a donor so I did him a favor of restoring it. Not against the rules, but it's not in the rules that I should either. I don't see anything wrong with that. He supported the server and I somehow payed it back.


    and btw you dont have to use photoshop, everyone can set the ip and compare thing, log is TS and see L2dismay like people did and posted at l2 dismay forum wich you asap deleted.

    Just as everyone can make the same kind of screen for any server there is. As I said, ask me to do it, give me 20 minutes and you'll get it.


    we wish you the best, ull need it.. alot.  

    For? The only person that is still calling us corrupted is you, Ginger aka dizzan and Kumo.

    We already settled what their motive is. what is yours to be so persistent?

    Don't use one of the good ol' "I care about players that play on dismay so much".

    If that was the case, I would already have talked to you on Ventrilo and thanked you for your continuous support for everything.


    Edit: Almost forgot.

    log is TS and see L2dismay like people did and posted at l2 dismay forum wich you asap deleted.

    Don't you think that TS would be offline already if we had access to it?

    Just another fact to think about.  ;)


    I moderated the forum, banned the a-holes spamming all over it, talked and explained myself to several people who believed what you are saying, posted numerous replies here on mxc, but for some reason, I'm way to incompetent to take down teamspeak which would normally require about 20s of my time. Right?


    If you say so.




  8. Why wouldn't they?

    Have you seen the amount of enchants and stones people farm in Gc? Just check the inventory logged above. Sigh -_-"

    Max for weapons is 12, max for armor is 6. No epic jewels. That is far from "normal players don't have a chance against donators" position.


    Lots of people want to donate for boss jewels, red weapons and +10+ armor. Did you see any? No.

    Will you see any?

    Not by donations.

    If we wanted money that badly, why wouldn't we sell that? We could make shitload of money by now already and more every day.

    And if we did sell it, why would I even release that item log so you can check it for yourself?


    Instead we decided to keep it balanced and are even investing the donation money back to server itself. You can't say you've seen any corrupted/failed l2 server doing that.


    come on, think a little ;)

  9. there are 3 types of broken seal stones. Blue green and red. They are each used for 1 type of sa.


    I never said donation is for aio only. Some of the posts in this thread are for 35x (if you haven't noticed yet).

    We didn't make a new thread, we used the one from 35x. Maybe that is the reason why you believe donations are for aio only.


    I posted a thread link above. Have you read it? Seems not.


    Why we do not put donation list? Obvious, because noone cares about expenses, but EVERYONE cares about the income.

    If you click the donate button, you can see me listed as a contact. Feel free to pm.


    Honestly, the things everyone comes with are just silly.

    Do I suck because dismay accepts donations? If that's the case, sure, I suck. But we invest it, you can clearly see this all over the place (if you want to of course).

  10. Do you know why did they wiped the server?


    well, get some information and then come here edit your post ;)


    Do YOU know why we wiped it? Get some real information, not from the post of the people that fucked it up in the first place.


    As promised.

    Inventory log.

    Browse it, go mad and cut this corruption crap once and for all.

    It will be working for a day so everyone can have a good snoop, after which it will be disabled.

  11. @maaark


    According to you, who should I consult with then?

    All the whining random players on forum who have nothing better to do than cry how much their (imba) class is nerfed?

    I did that, they didn't make any sense. Their statements didn't fit with each other at all. One time archers were too imba, other time gladys were too imba, third time summoners should takedown gladiator... I am an admin, not a psychologist. I need real, solid information about bugs, and the only, even if not entirely, accurate information will come from the spine of population which are clans and thus clan leaders.


    And yes, we had factor clans on server THAT fast.

    Just look at the siege list after one week. TWENTY SEVEN clans.


    We have ~1k almost every day during the evenings. How is that a dying server? Dismay is growing at an extremely fast rate.

    Perhaps the fact that we spent a huge amount of money on ads might have something to do with it ;)


    Regarding raids. Yes, there was a problem with the spawn time, it was incorrect and raids didn't spawn as they should. As you said, people make mistakes, and I am, after all, just a human.

    It is nice to see that finally someone understands that. Almost noone else did.

    But, on the other hand, if you ask me, raids (or lack of those) was a success. Clans asked to delay them for exactly this reason. Mass pvp. They got it, plenty.

    Even if they have no jewels they shouldn't complain in such an extent that they do now. If they wanted the jewels that badly, they would never have asked me to delay the raids. They would just farm them from day 1.

    Regarding the rings. I am aware that they are killable. Once the poll ends I will kill all the raids, delete all the jewels from inventory and do what the poll says. You don't have to worry about me doing the same mistake I did in the past. I'm not some lolbr (no pun intended).


    p.s. Getting the item check to work. Expect it any time.

  12. @ Microz, what kind of weapons? Almost entire E is on baium screenshot on previous page. What is so special about their weapons?


    I do not know weather they botted for those +6 to +8 they have or if they are legit, but according to this link http://www.forum.l2dismay.com/index.php?topic=1083.15 Only one of their member has dark blue weapon (this is the corruption thread that Kumo's friend started)




    If you "left on your own", then how come you deleted both tomcraft's and my forum account and ipbanned us, then continuously regave yourself admin status through forum's database after we retook them back in the same way (until password was changed)?


    And "if you don't give a -beep-" as you said, why did you even post that claim above, replied to it and are now constantly refreshing this thread to see the follow-up replies?


    There are only two kind of people I am afraid to get involved with in any way.

    First ones are violent type that may put my life in danger at some time.

    Second group is the, how to say, they are the kind of people that imagine things in their head, say it out loud and then believe every word they say no matter how little sense it has.

    You kumo, belong in the second one.

    I realized that on 30x dismay when you claimed EVERYONE was corrupted. Everyone except you. People might have believed if you admitted you were corrupted and maybe pull it down on me or tomcraft, but saying how EVERYONE EXCEPT you are the reasons to blame...

    I do not want to go into confrontation with you as it would only hurt dismay, but please, for once, think about what you are saying and move along with that.

    You said you don't give a -beep- and that you were done with dismay long ago due to your personal choice.

    Believe in that, show it and stop replying, thank you.


    Do you need some kind of confirmation of your post with silly accusations of who we are...

    Tomcraft is dizzan, arkein is botgod, Flawless (forum mod) is Schmee, and I'm rey.


    Even if the above was true, imo it doesn't matter at all, not even a single bit. Dismay grew a lot and is still expanding.

    Tomcraft's relations, my huge effort and money from donations actually being invested back into dismay brought it to where it is now. I believe our achievements speak for themselves.


    Will you please stop now? Thank you.

  13. Anyways, i dont give a shit, its ur server now after i left. Want real players and not virtual ones that are added to online players count? Dont lie em than.

    It never was your server. You never left. You were kicked after you tried to -beep- up dismay in every possible way.

    Everyone was corrupted, except you, right? Everyone was giving out items and doing favors, except you, right again?

    I loved the announcements and shouts you did in giran and the item drops. Honestly. Everyone believed you, I bet even you yourself believed all the fat lies you were saying (to be honest, your post almost looks a bit like the thing mentioned above).


    You had an alt char Trunks in dragonball clan and were doing massive crap with it. Edited stats, edited skills, edited items. Still remember how you came online with Kumo on aden siege, kicked me out of gm clan, and then demoted me? After which I changed all the passwords to the server and you couldn't do your shit anymore?

    Yet, you did, free itamz meng a week ago. Oly feeds all the way.

    I thought you got over that raging in giran, after you realised I wiped all the fake oly points from your DB friends sharissa and others.

    I still wonder how you fed them so many points (hint, next time delete the match history as well where it's shown exactly who did which matches, not just change the points of a player).


    I also find it so damn hilarious how you came up crawling out of your cave just today, after exilium along with sharissa made a huge "omg corruption" posts all over the forum, saying how I'm zastien and that I give boss jewels and other nonsense.

    The same Exilium from gloss that was in alliance with your Trunks char and same sharissa that was in your DB clan.


    Second point, counter x3?

    Honestly, have you seen the pictures I have posted on the previous page? There are many, MANY players all over the server. Dismay70x is nothing how 30x corrupted (by Kumo) was. It might had 300 people back then, now it has way, way more.


    Give it up Kumo. You failed on l2dismay, you failed with your l2lad. There is no need to trash dismay or being jealous. You had your chance. Instead of being clean and running a server like a professional admin, you decided to -beep- around and ruin it. Word of advice. When you go siege on your l2lad server, make sure to not resurrect yourself out of nowhere so everyone can see it, when there isn't any of your party members around to do it, okay?


    p.s. If gloss comes to your l2lad I'd laugh my ass off. You could do a happy trio once again, just like on 30x.

    Except this time there won't be me to stop your corruption anymore. Go wild meng.


    edit: forgot about the item observation.

    I don't have to explain myself to you why we removed it. But hey, if you (or anyone else at that point) would like to see the imaginary boss jewels on half a server, that can be arranged.

    Expect the link for item watcher here tomorrow, after I get the files (I don't have access to my desktop pc right now, or it would be here already).

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