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About Kezzia

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  1. yeah its true that valor is 1hour =) also titans go around runnin in frenzy mode ;P hehe
  2. So i got this pack la2base that i bought recently :o its been tested has ballanced skills no bugs and nice protection for more info contact me on msn core_core_core__@hotmail.com cheers!
  3. Isnt l2off illegal?:P if it wasnt i would be interested in buying :P
  4. as the title says i am interested in buying an AIO in l2vendetta contact me on msn or pm me here
  5. cheers guys and sorry u must know how it is to burn haha...>.< anyway !!!bump =)
  6. erm sorry haha i havent slept for 2 days now oh god...i meant to say MONDWOW not L2MOND >.< if u are kind enough to move it back to the wow marketplace?cheers!
  7. As the name implies....paladin with 5.3m hp and over 1m ap and uber dmg. costed me total 450E+ I am selling for 200- contact me on msn core_core_core__@hotmail.com or send me pm here. cheers
  8. well i would like to buy a l2j IL pack with decent protection >.< i am not givin only 20 euros lol i just said A FRIEND offered to make one for me for 20 euros..i can afford much more...so pls if anyone has any offers feel free to contact me kthx!
  9. haha sorry i was late in answering if u want send me ur msn in pm so we talk more about ur offer cheers!
  10. well haha nah i am a total newb regarding developin and stuff..but i got the money haha i am providing for the server to get a pack with nice protection cause lately we had too many flooders and ddos attacks >.< so if i doesnt take time from ur schedule i would love to get an explanation on what is better... i am lookin for an IL pack that will be based on the same feautures as the current server with the only change of...good protection!current pack is l2j equal precompiled thats what i was told to say :) so cheers if any help can be provided and merry x-mas ^^ oh and to add on things i was offered a l2j pack with decent protection not TOTAL but decent for a mere 20 euros so i dont really know the price i was told that it depends on the feautures anyway i should stop talkin haha.. waitin for ur response cheers!
  11. well our current server is a precompiled pack from aukor and as u know those packs cant get protection >.> i was hired recently and i wanted to buy a good pack with nice protection so that the people can enjoy l2 as it was meant to be. So i dont really know the prices compared from l2j or l2off and from what i searched here on the forums l2j seems will never get full protection or am i wrong?:) anyway i dont know if i am asking much but i would gladly pay for a nice IL pack :) cheers!
  12. So as the title implies i am interested in buying a pack Interlude that has awsome protection for more information feel free to contact me on msn core_core_core__@hotmail.com
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