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Posts posted by xOutlaw

  1. OL and DC have no elemental attack :) , it doesnt matter what element you add .

    And for the archers the best option is HOLY , why ?

    Cause with holy you can self-attribute 3x more elemental holy attack, what ?

    You can use Holy Weapon ( bish buff ) , Dance of Light ( BD ;< ) and "Blessing Of Sanctity" a crystal that has a buff effect ( drops in MOS ).

    Archer should always go on HOLY since there are 3x dmg boosters. :)

  2. Hello,

    I am looking for a highly edited systemmsg-e file that suits C4 chronicle

    Something similar to this :

    I tried with L2Lige but it didnt worked for me.

    If someone has for C4 a systemmsg-e with on screen dmg/target/heals etc...

    I would apreciate the help.

    Thank you.


    Just in case : msn : roberttheleaf@hotmail.com

  3. If you have a small knowledge about editing and dev'ing "OFF" files then you should not worry if the files are complete or not, you just have to get files with flawless skill sided features also a good geodata+pathnode,the rest can be moded easy :)

    Nothing is perfect, but working and burning brain cells can result in something cool, as i said there are some HB OFF files that are pretty well made and it can be way better than shitlude all over again.

  4. I considered HB but there are really no good HB Ext. out there that I have seen. The best one would take a minimum of 6 months to get close to complete retail HB.

    If you would want to open a HB source server based on OFF files, contact me (flawless retail files) or the DieHard owner...or even Sawk.

    HB has stability and its way more fun and entertaining than lol-IL..

  5. why you play if you dont like ? its not unbalanced like you say, you just cry all the time ^^ overall pvp is fun thats all and no other good server so. and all ppl cry cry cry cry haha instad of help and make more fun.

    Why would i cry ? Im playing there and rolling oly with 7k mana LOL...i love the balance hahahaha

    And about pvps lawl my clan is going at every single mass pvp so idk what are you talking about, but im sorry that i never saw you at pvp loolol...and learn some english lmao

  6. Titan in oly runs at about 220 spd :D

    Dominator in oly gets about 6.9 k mana :D

    Bishop at mass pvps has over 2.3k P def from stackable defense augments :D

    Archers are dealing 1.7 k damage maxium , a bishop cannot be taken down by 4 archers on constant damage.

    Tank agression is OP without any kind of reuse.

    Need more ?

  7. Hi troll, Stop talk you dont know much.


    1) gm dont remove, bcause he explain because many same threads.

    2) Actually All Epic Raid boss failed? Rly? name one

    3) Bot protection? all they can do is minimize the ways, you can always bot in all servers if you know how to.

    4) over 1000 online still

    5) Now the website / forum fail ...  lol, check guests, 5000+ someone attack


    Use your brain random haha, you just leave because you failed hard in play, always die :D


    noob gfo


    @ 2) Baium failed/ AQ failed/ Zaken failed...sup ?

    @ 4) around 70-100 offline shops + 150-200 bots + an average of maximum 400 ppl

    @ 5) Website is poorly managed, and there is no attack.

  8. Server was HB and with alot of customs , they downgraded to IL but without a wipe, so basicly you enter and you will see +16 guns on +8 armors or more, with +15 enchanted skills....

    Yes funny for new ppl...

    Good luck but its a pure fail....

    Wipe it or die.

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