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Posts posted by xOutlaw

  1. No offence RedmanFTW but you are a hater and a retard, you have no clue what happened onto Fusion and you talk like a random sh1t, server was pretty fine, there was no corruption of any sort, and staffers were fixing anything in time that needed fixes etc, there was some major clan(s) and they had no competition so they left, after that everyone left 1 by 1 etc, stop talking about your sh1ts cause you're a imbecil, there was NO corruption or any kind of under-the-hand donations.

    Have fun creep.

  2. Agree, the staff was amazing compared to a hella lot of servers out there! But all the BR players don't have the brains to play on such server where you won't get everything max enchanted in less then a week... And after the zerg clan left cuz of some other sht server ppl started running around shouting "server is dead" even tho there was still 400+ easily...Which made more and more people leave

  3. Your software is awesome but im having some problem with this :


    This im getting when i try to use "system patcher" over a system folder from a private server (Interlude).

    I can not patch the system folder into L2Lige, so i edited a systemmsg-e.dat from another interlude system folder with "on-screen" effects etc...and i dont know for what reason the on screen damage does not appear...tho i set it up right.

    Any hints ?...

  4. Hello,

    I am looking for someone with experience in moding systemmsg-e.dat file.

    I am trying to add some "visual screen effect" on a Interlude systemmsg-e.dat file.

    This is my code :

    44	1	a,>>CRITICAL HIT!<<\0	1	0	FF	0	FF	a,	a,	0	0	0	0	0	a,	a,battle\0

    I want to make it look like this :



    If anyone can correct my code to have visual effects as like the photo i'd apreciate it. (Interlude)


    Also regarding this picture :


    If anyone can correct my codes to have visual effects as like the upper photo i'd apreciate it also. (Interlude)

    1067	1	a,$s2 HP has been restored by $s1.\0	0	79	9B	B0	FF	a,	a,	0	0	0	0	0	a,	a,none\0


    And about the Pa'agrio Fist (example) i would like to know how to add and where the code for such effect. (Interlude)


    Thank you in advance.

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