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Posts posted by xOutlaw

  1. i just say what`s on my mind i dont insult...:|

    and i got nothing to hide especilly my sig ....

    my windows was reinstalled by 2 times already...diferent serials..:|

    dont know if my mac is banned or my ip and prolly not...since 1 friend logged 1 char and i could delog him from that account telling me "account already in use" this means i could connect but it was busy....but im not sure...

    my hdd serial hmm...i try`ed to change hdd serial by "HardDiskSerialNumberChanger" i changed / rr pc/ same thing dont work (access failed)

    dont have 2nd hard drive just got 1 :|

    i already installed VMware player/installed winxp on it/i copy`ed HB client/but problems with video driver of vmware(vmware svga II) downloaded smthing by the net and still nothing (message in device status : code 10) this is the reason l2 dont start in VMware...

    changing mac address...crap...i already fucked up 1 pc doing that...(looking for tutorial?) dont wanna repeat the sh1t again

    and im on basic ip gathered automaticly from the modem...w/o isp authorisation i cant change ip but i can try by proxy...(looking for tutorial)

    prolly im beeped as u sayd... :|

  2. 1 of my pc`s @ home got raped by l2dex staff

    i cant login cuz it say "access failed , please try again later"

    my accounts are not banned and i made a small test...1 friend logged a char and i logged the same account and it sayd account already in use...therefor i think its not ip ban since i can disconect him

    if its not ip ban what is it?

    im guessing on hardware ban like hard disk or other components or even windows serial

    looking for suggestions

    thx in advance

  3. im not the only one with this problem and noone plays my char..cuz i do it from home and noone else know acc...( pass is verry complicated ) on the other hand i talked with admins they sayd i dont see any problems...( normally they are greeks no ofence but some of them rly suck )....im not ip banned/acc banned/ as i sayd upper...but woot da fack is wrong? maybe someone else have other opinion?

  4. y0 guys...maybe one of ya`ll can halp me with teh facking l2 prb...

    look...i cant facking login into 2 serBRers c6 ( java ;) ...highrate pvp ) cuz : i put acc and pass and i pass that...i get into the server login screen and i froze there i cant pass that screen...and after i wanna try again i see my acc is in use...w00t da fack ?

    servers are online/im not banned/not ip banned/ admins sayd its from my pc....any solutions?


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