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About skrzypek

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    Gadu-Gadu: 7594037

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  1. Im newb in this, many guides just inform what set where and that is bigest problem in my opinion. There is no description about those options so ppls like me do stupid mistakes. Ave I will. #edit Some one can give +1 to Ave for helping me via pm? He solve my problems and more :D. Again thanks Ave ^^ please lock topic
  2. Well I was taking setings from other guides, and some i take also from UTPD. And those textures are from orginal.
  3. I have problem with editing weapon textures. Look at screens, when I'm making zoom in, everything is fine, but when zoom out, pleace where parts of textures are scaling is visible and at middle weapon is very dark. It looks like something mess in utx but Im trying everything like 2 hours, and still same. http://images41.fotosik.pl/247/d13fbfa861e827e3.jpg[/img] Here is utx: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dzu6gm
  4. Thanks i found it :)
  5. Where i can find script like that one below? I saw them on many sites but can't find code...
  6. 1 will be nice, just4fun xD
  7. First game what i ever play was MegaMan II on Nintendo :D
  8. CoD 6 ofc ^^ For multiplayer xD
  9. LoL xD looks nice xD, thanks for sahre it :D
  10. Very nice guide :) I have question because I'm importing .tga as DXT1 and I see you are using DXT3, anyway effect is same. What difference is between those?
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78071.0
  12. Nice pack and ideas with skins. Thanks for share :)
  13. Fixed, check 1st post.
  14. So no share :P... Old file was maded by l2j team, and this one is 99.9% too created by them (janii if im not wrong). They fix this error in epilogue so i check it and adapt for final. It's almost 100% c/p. Nothing big from me but i think will be useful, thats why i share this. Even if is so easy error I don't saw any fix for it and for me it's useful. Mosty in spawn menu. That's why i decide to give it here.
  15. I didn't saw it before (or im blind :P) so im giving you fix for error in spawn menu "Html was too long". Hope it will be useful :). It's for Gracia Final and on gracia final client was tested. Before u saw: After use fix u will see: And when u roll down there are two buttons "next" and "back" for rewind list How to: Paste both files in \gameserver\data\scripts\handlers\admincommandhandlers, folder. Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m4gp40 http://www.sendspace.pl/file/e1488320159c0a22ac9161e Credits: L2J Team. I only adapt it from epilogue to gracia final. I could't get in which forum put it so i choise here xD...
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