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About soragoi

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  1. When you have a PvP Server you dont need this Quest!! Try this,by me its working fine. To resolved this problem go to ai group_template and search DenofEvil.java in this java search the line: destroyZone(); and make it //destroyZone(); than search the line: private void destroyZone() and make it //private void destroyZone() and last but not least search the line: if (character.doDie(null)) // mobs die and make it //if (character.doDie(null)) // mobs die by me its working and i dont have problems. But my Server is PvP Server and i dont need the Quest!!!! P.S. Sorry for my English :)
  2. In this link you find a guide with svn for datapack and server. http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=10719
  3. i tryed in freya but i get errors in masterhandler.java works for freya?
  4. To resolved this problem go to ai group_template and search DenofEvil.java in this java search the line: destroyZone(); and make it //destroyZone(); than search the line: private void destroyZone() and make it //private void destroyZone() and last but not least search the line: if (character.doDie(null)) // mobs die and make it //if (character.doDie(null)) // mobs die by me its working and i dont have problems. But my Server is PvP Server and i dont need the Quest!!!! P.S. Sorry for my English :)
  5. Thx for help.But i fix it self for freya. it works^^!!
  6. i get the same error!! anybody know how to fix this error?
  7. You use ru.l2open project? sure this script is for l2jserver project: com.l2jserver. delete this script and look to get the error again. sorry for my english Soragoi
  8. Try to delete your custom scripts like buffer or other!! and run the Server for test. i think a custom script is wrong "at org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(Unknown Source)" check all your python custom scripts. hmm i dont know withthe multiply statement but you look in your mysql database in table char_templates?
  9. You use Custom Scripts?? Check your custom Scripts ,i think they have unclosed conection inside!! Soragoi
  10. Hello, i have all like the Guide and i use l2jserver and i get ever this error: [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden. Please help me , i make all like this guide and the guide from l2jserver.
  11. soragoi


    How long have to wait?? One Month or what? i see he is online from time to time but nothing!!! I pay the Money and get nothing???????
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