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Everything posted by AionSan

  1. What's the multisell dagger 30000 about anyway ?
  2. Liar. The newest version of hlapex is able to read scripts but not connect... Older versions report scripts bugged like crap....
  3. Just get healing pots and set their use after 99% of life :)
  4. Then post a WORKING script, at least. First half of the things aren't declared (variables, had to edit it myself) then : http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/5672/untitled2lf3.gif And even if i declare it it doesn't work
  5. This script is so shitty. Full of bugs & stuff. omg...
  6. Hint: Someone with enough time should try to get the packet that makes an instant kill with daggers ;)
  7. Anti Target nr2 is kinda fun :lol: Make a train, go to a small group, make auto Anti Target. Mobs somehow get confused and aggro everyone around you xD
  8. Just a comment from me. That guy called me an idiot and told people to "learn visual basic" to work it out... As if visual basic would ever be useful for packet editing and memory injections. This guy is a fraud. What he published is at least 6 months old and was published thousands of times everywhere.
  9. Use my fukin guide to ingame walker, click on "HIDE GAME WINDOW". FUcking noob spic, why don't you search for yourself.
  10. Isn't it the common policy to speak english on international boards ? Nah, you fucktarded idiots just can't understand that. You just have to flood the net with your stupidity. English is not my first language. I'm still speaking it on the net so that the MOST PEOPLE POSSIBLE understand me. You're too stupid to understand that. Get to a sodomite board.
  11. My ideas don't involve anymore hlapex stuff since i didn't look into things more. My ideas as for now involve the ban of "debugger" for posting false exploits and therefore polluting this forum. I still cannot get off the criticism that guy pulls off everytime i publish something VALID when he can only pull bullshit or "exploits" that only works on outdated L2j servers. It's not like it was hard. L2j is open source. I could figure 50 exploits a day just looking at the fuckin soure code!
  12. How about doing some reasearch YOURSELF ? or what about posting in the CORRECT section ?
  13. It works on L2OFF. I do it on dragonnetwork :lol: Besides, at least I post valid stuff.
  14. Ok, so i won't go down again about how you must launch hlapex and stuff. Get to a magister (or master for that matter), activate packet capture, click on "learn skills". For my example i'll try to learn shadow flare. It will report this: 6C F3 04 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Now this is for level 1... Ehw, we don't have the spellbook :( So, we'll copy the packet and change it into : 6C F3 04 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02! We jump the level, learn level 2 and therefore don't need the spellbook :D Even more cool now, you probably didn't know about this but lineage isn't based on a ladder system, as levels of spells aren't about your actual level, but an integer count. Let's JUMP the integer count. Let's modify our packet again: 6C F3 04 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 OMGWTF! We now have Shadow flare level 9 ! :lol: for the price of only ONE level of the spell :D Note: It doesn't allow you to get skills above your level, it allows you to buy all upgrades for just the cost of one ^^
  15. I tried before changing class, after changing class, with several professions. N-O-T-H-I-N-G Either it says "You already change profession blablabla" or SYS:ERROR. This is bullshit.
  16. I wasn't talking about that. When you do what he explained the Chat window returns: SYS:ERROR. Could anyone explain it in understandable english ? Godamn this is horseshit, nothing works he dreamed that out. -.-
  17. DOESN'T WORK. SYS: Error. Or at least try to explain it better :/
  18. So, - I start hlapex - I start L2 - (Hlapex reports Injected is ok) - Login - Crash :/ What's happening :(
  19. OBVIOUS LIES. I've seen that pic on the net for years now. haha xD
  20. General protection fault. ALL the time :/
  21. Ok, so i understand the concept of wallhack, like shoot thru walls and stuff. Anyways, what's the average use of it ? Aside from 2 or 3 places, there's really no great use you can have with it (like exploiting raids & stuff) Any ideas on how (well, where) to exploit using Wh ? :shock:
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