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Posts posted by sandpants

  1. There is no point in such poll's as you will not get more than 10 votes in total. Understand one thing, create the server you want, not server as people want. Period.


    Bless 100% is waste of time to farm it, it's better if you simply give them max + from start for free. Get real people.

    Too much logic for this forum to handle.



    To the OP - you have to start considering what is the point at which you meet redundancy in your system. 


    If you give 100% enchant scrolls of any kind, then the time limit to max++ is determined only by how hard it is to obtain those scrolls. If it's easy, then you might as well award max++ items for just making a character.


    On the flip side, descretisized systems are easier to balance. So if any scroll is 100% chance then it is easier to balance the rate of obtaining max++ items by calibrating access to those scrolls (like drop %, shop price, event frequency, etc) and not have to worry what the chance of gaining a +1 is. 


    I would go for 100% if the scrolls are rare. I would just do what SweeTs says if you plan to make the scrolls abundant and 100% success - there is no point in delaying with farm, it won't increase you server life by any amount worth mentioning because people will be just busy farming and not PvPing. Your friends likely have a completely different idea on the hierarchy of items drops/access than you do, so IMO that is something you need to discuss before making a decision. 

  2. Garbage that you have to pay for is just expensive garbage. Paying for things won't make them better, owners investing into things does.


    L2 is dead on western market because NCSoft is catering to the asian market, and leading an intensive profit focused development on an otherwise archaic game (concept, game mechanics, etc). 

  3. wtf, let them open their servers, they have to start from somewhere ya know

    The issue isn't opening server



    It's spamming the advertisement section with the same servers but different names.





    It's the consequence  of pack accessibility which leads to people trying things out. I agree that there needs to be a standard, but this can lead to corruption.


    IMO, it's more effective to simply make it a hassle to advertise on these forums. This will weed out the less serious server owners.

  4. Erb?

    Through facebook probably. Builder likely went AWOL and you will never find him; nor should you. He's kind of a dick...


    The last guy who copied infiniteL2 - no idea. Doubt he developed anything, just got the files from someone and launched as it came out of the box.

  5. Star wars lol...


    I remember when the actual definition meant over enchanted gear because you'd have weapons look like lightsabers.

    Now these "grown ups" who spout the words "kid" and "immaturity" just throw it in in every sentence. Probably aren't old enough to stop sucking their mothers milk...


    WASD is hardly an argument against H5 because it's irrelevant. Nobody actually plays with WASD unless it's to avoid a backstab by turning.


    Interlude does have some "oldschool" to it, but TBH that's just nostalgia.


    Oldschool was when dropping gear was a threat, dying mattered, going PK was a risk, fighting for farm areas was the usual moment-to-moment activity, politics and trade were vibrant. 


    Lineage 2 PvP sucked for pretty much all time. The whole idea that rock-paper-scissors works on anything BUT RPS is retarded. I still remember how people justified archers kiting the fuck out of everything with them being "squishy". Infants train of thought - we were young and stupid. I look back now and realise that...


    Everyone just draws a line where they stop. I wouldn't play GoD for example, I draw my line at H5. Others wouldn't play h5, they draw their line C6. Other's wouldn't play anything beyond C4. 


    Nothing unusual - people just build their misconceptions around their principles and draw a line.

  6. Truly balanced gameplay with as less bugs as possible


    i never did (open) because there was no decent pack around and i didn't have enough free time to work on it.Because it takes time to test every single skill and other important stuff on a pack that affect the gameplay.If i go live with a server i want it to be as close to perfection as possible not like the ones around where admins don't give a crap about the community.


    Too bad l2 got a bad reputation because of those l2j servers opened by randoms.



    1) WTF is truly balanced? Balance is subjective and relative. What is balanced for you is likely to be unbalanced for several other people. Taking it to the extreme, it might be unbalanced for a lot of people, and "a lot" can be easily approximated to "everyone".

    2) You claim you want the fewest bugs, but then state you never opened a server because there was no decent pack. Sounds like you just want half the shit done for you. Your definition of a balanced, bugless server is more of a fantasy than any of the server currently open, and you are on a direct path to opening just another copy pasta server with just a changed config. 


    You are arguably just the same random person because of whom L2 got bad reputation.


    Throughout all your replies you showed no evidence of that you would actually do something worthwhile for the game. All you did is just use some pretty words like a politician, addressing the most common general consensus. (jajajaj, 0x0x0x0, kiddies, overpowered classes, etc)


    m8 pls. A thread like this pops up like once every month. 

  7. Is it because most admin are now are not dev just buying pack around that provide mostly IL/ H5 ? 

    I think that's the most common myth - that you just buy a "good" pack and open a "good" server. As if a few quality of life changes will magically cause people to stick around longer.

    QoL improvements are definitely necessary, especially if you have loads of custom content (so that you don't access all the new stuff through a voice command like it's a cheat console), but it's hardly the reason why people would stay.


    Also believing that the economy is inelastic and the only way to upkeep it is to continue flushing it and adding content is part of the reason why nobody attempts to try and do anything about. That's awfully absolute. 


    A healthy economy needs stuff going in and going out. L2 rarely had stuff going out of it. The flush, or the moment when all the previous gear and items became irrelevant because there was a new "grade" to unlock, farm and craft, and enchantment were the only 2 occasions when stuff disappeared out of the game economy. 


    It's a two-sided problem - not only is asset management negligible and irrelevant in L2, if you actually try to add it, you risk alienating your playerbase still, because nobody wants to manage that BS anyway. 

  8. Opportunities to make a difference in a fight.


    I think old-school mechanics need to be revisited.


    Things like - item/gear drop, regardless if you are PK. 


    Honestly I feel like servers die because there is no depth to asset management. You said it yourself - people craft some gear and go PvP a bit. You never lose anything. Dying in PvP is not a loss. It's just free To Village teleport xD. 


    I'm not sure if it would change anything - people will likely become risk averse if there was a chance that they'd lose gear. I think there needs to be a soft limit to how much you can lose. Like there would be free gear that would never drop. 


    Overall, grind that fools you into thinking that you did "hard work" and deserve your rewards, shit economy that focuses on local player asset management only (poor trade options and opportunities), and lack of opportunities to distinguish yourself are factor contributing to me simply quitting the server. 


    All of which is a symptom of "devs" who download a pack, change config and launch server. There is no real development or innovation, so private L2 servers stagnated and all the old features are being copy pasted and rolled over and over and over.


    I would play L2 again. But because the people who open server generally have no vision beyond 24h after launch I have no interest in trying it out.

  9. It is interesting, but no hunger system. If you want a hardcore survival game then you should think of making a whole new game. Even if it's using the L2 client.

    I'd rather death be meaningful. Gear effect be toned down so that new players are not discouraged to fight older players. And there be more reason to PvP that is not silly Call of Duty reward system for streaks or just simple bragging rights. 


    It would also be nice if you adjust the mob density. A lot of people think it's not important, but if you just have mobs evenly spaced out it looks fake and forced. Have mob bunch up. Like they are a community of their own.


    In general I assume you want to add things that make sense, from intuition? I think that's a good general direction to follow. Less mindless farm. More doing things that make sense. 


    A lot of this is something I always wanted. But IMO you'd need to break everything down in L2 and build from scratch. Not code wise - but the way game works. 

    Also not a lot of players play L2 now. But you seem to focus on a larger group play. I think servers nowadays need to not just have a "game that plays itself" but also activities for a large variety of group sizes.


    This new package looks cool, i need to find a way to bring it to H5  :P


    I wonder, how lineage II would look like now, if each new update with new abilities and items would increase not the power of the soldier(so everybody must farm again and again), but give player the chance to develop his character in the way he wants it by manipulating stats and abilities.

    Not with the korean mindset.


    A developer interview acknowledged that vertical progression is part of the game, but did not consider it a problem. Apparently because it is an RPG you need to have elements which are forced onto players or deny them progress in the game.


    Which is totally fucking contradicting cos they utterly killed the judicator with all these awakenings and new awakenings not allowing them to advance with the rest of the classes.


    L2 is nonsense. You literally play the game to get new pixels. It's like buying a toaster of the same model but a different color every month.

    The new update does just that. It adds more stuff you can sink your time into to get 50 more patk and 48 more pdef. Translating into 0.0001% more dmg. 


    Who knows - maybe now your overkill damage on a mob will be 243 instead of 240.


    Quite frankly there is no retail development for L2 any longer. To call this update development would probably be insulting. They know that the only players playing are those who are easily satisfied with crap like this. The game is old. They are prepping to take it down and simply milking the corners of any money available.

  11. What would be the purpose of this? What's the point of notifying a player of something that is not so significant? 



    If its 1x server then having epic and raid notification by email or SMS to their android/iOS is amazing - it will connect people and will be far healthier for your server; that's what will drive competition, the certainty of conflict and the privilege of being prepared.

  12. People are giving the word "development" a really low value.


    Opening a server is not development.


    And project is not a server. 


    1. 1.
      an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.


    All open a server and call it a "new project" with "weeks of development". They think that adding such heavy words would make them cool kids.

    Then people who have even the slightest idea of how gameservers function just facepalm.


    There is a future for private L2 servers. But it's about 5 years away. I suggest keep your clients lol. 

  13. Why do we need another L2gang if L2gang is so successful...?


    Assume you are successful, you will only win people who want to commit time to repeat what they did on L2gang. Otherwise people will stay, and new players will likely join L2gang as there is an established community. 


    Some outskirters will join your server but realize that no matter how good and simple it is without a thriving playerbase to drive it there is no game - L2 was never a CS/CoD/BF knock off in 3rd person view. It's not just combat, PvE or PvP. It was an RPG. This should be a focus for a new server. Otherwise its just non productive repetition. It's like learning the same poem by heart in school for the 4th year in a row.


    There is enough solid PvP servers. You come here to offer what we already have in abundance. If discouraging you is offensive - sorry, but honestly don't bother. All it does is give players more things to filter through.

  14. Who cares what pack you use...? Only kids who think they know something. Just sheep.




    What can you offer? 

    Class balance is compulsory. As soon as people mention it I just press "Back" on my browser. If you feel like you need to convince me that you worked on balance, it puts me off and gives me the impression that you believe it's the only problem. It's great that you figured that buffs and enchanted gear are the cause of long and unbalanced PvP. But srsly, welcome to 2007...


    You're just going to do what every other server does - vary X value to adjust the rate at which a character acquires something in game to control his time to when he is PvP worthy (gear, enchants). So what if the farm is medium? So the server is for 1 week? Because after someone gets to PvP state what do they get to do - PvP? And for how long will that last? 3 days...


    You are not doing anything that's going to help. You are just polishing a design that everyone has done a million times and did not bother changing anything because it doesn't work.

  15. The balance means that there are no class that can kill everything else. Thats Over Power.



    And if every class can beat every other class? All classes overpowered?


    Nothing worse than Rock Paper Scissor balance in an RPG where you are locked into playing 4 classes out of 30+ on a single char.



    IMO the issue is that people compare classes. Raw power is the only thing theory can account for. And precisely because of the stupid 1999 cast speed and 1500 atk speed bullsht is that raw power has higher value in players eyes. Then Devs and Admins get the same impression.


    See, just because a Judicator has sht for damage and has low atk skills and has 15s buffs doesn't mean it's underpowered. It's underpowered relative to a particular system. 30 buff slots, stupid stats, perma top tier gear on every opponent.


    The weight of things change as you change the environment (buffs/gear).


    If people had to choose 15 buffs, if armor and weapons had sustainability costs so that they were afraid to fight in s84 every time and if atk spd and cst spd were slow enough for skill players to react to a high value ability of their opponent to use a counter ability - PvP in this game would have become infinitely better.


    But sheep follow other sheep - people will keep playing with 30 buff slots and infinite MP and other nonsense all kids nowadays want and will keep complaining about balance.


    This is inbalanced in raw power. But it is overcome by player skill. As you make things faster and increase the raw ceiling you weed out the factor of skill and you get situations where no matter what a Dreadnaught, Maestro, or Summoners do, they won't beat other "true DDs". And guess what other people tell you? They're not PvP classes...




  16. Hello peeps.



    The Soulshot/Spiritshot system.


    The ss system is redesigned. Now the soulshots and spiritshots are not purchasable. However every time you equip a weapon

    the sytem will check if you have more than 1 soulshot or spiritshot for this grade of weapon. If you don't you will be rewarded

    with a packet of 5000 soulshots and spiritshots of this grade and they will be auto enabled. If your ss count gets 2 or less

    you will automatically recieve 5000 mroe ss.




    So its infinite SS/SPS except you add SS/SPS instead of...making it so they don't get consumed on hit.


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