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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. Χωρίς να θέλω να γίνω ανθέλληνας , να τα λαδώσετε κύριε. Αν περίμεναν τους πακιστανούς για να τρίξουν τα κόκκαλα και όχι όλα τα μουλάρια που εκούν στο όνομα " Κύριε , Βουλευτή " , βάλτε και βαζελίνη.
  2. Να φέρει και την οικογένεια μου , την γυναίκα μου Βαγγέλο , το γιο μου Βάγγο και το εγγόνο μου Βαγγέλη ;
  3. Εγώ που έχει έρθει με καράβι από Περσία να έρθει ; Πάτρας μένω
  4. Yes that today we learned that a human being can be THAT stupid.
  5. `Vaxil


    Oh i see we have a failer
  6. `Vaxil


    Change Spamer to Failer. It describes you.
  7. How stupid can you be ? Are you for real ?
  8. Bored to read it all. Learn what offtank means
  9. I have already found it. I just need help in N64 cause i never had one so i dont know the purpose of each button. BTW WHAI SKYPE HAS STOPPED WORKING ;
  10. I cry , but these are not tears of joy.
  11. Tryndamere is trash rly.. About elo hell , yes elo hell is from 300 - until Gregor's Elo.
  12. No. Morde is an offtank. And btw Shaco is useless. I know i have broken you heart but it is true.
  13. Τhat's why 1800++ elo is elo hell reborn Who cares bout them srsly... Plus u uber failed , Morde needs HP to spam his skills.
  14. I need help switching the controls setup on Project64's Emulator. I think i'va already found which and how but i am fraid of doing something wrong.
  15. 1 Pink ( Taric created it ) ward is all that it takes.
  16. Yamaha και Kawasaki επειδή είναι ιαπωνικά. Όλα τα άλλα κατατάσσονται στην κατηγορία BR
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