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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. Storm Screamer panta. Genika imo to Epilogue einai client pou sta pvp oi Dark elves 3ekoliazoun agria. GH,GS,SPH,SK. peite m ena class apo ayta pou den prattoun erwtikh pra3i se pvp
  2. me iz not kid. mi like KYLE XY.
  3. w/e rules are rules but i dont think this is a naked pic. I mean what if i posted my dog's pic..... would that be bannable ? ( cause we are talking about a pig here...) LoL i drank too much water and now i am like a balloon.
  4. mentioning that i was going to report you was a joke. actually i warned you because Santy CLAWS was gonna report you x]
  5. damn i had to report interpid ! but seriously if i post anything satiristic like an old man with big titties saying "sexmachine" is this a nude pic ?
  6. yeah religous discussions are violating dah rulezzzz.
  7. prefer being reported for posting an image with sexual content? ( i mean he's naked.) PS: Oh look! Image was deleted by imageshack ! God bless them.
  8. soz man but rules are rules.Besides it's only 1 week ban.
  9. delete the pic plz. how do you know O.- oO omg kkthnxbb. ;D
  10. So how could i report him ? After the karma trade and after i have been banned for karma trade? No way.
  11. Request Perma Ban or Ban for 365 days. Perma Ban because of karma trade .NOW Have Fun.
  12. POLL IZ RETARTED !!! add something like Do you like fluffy pink bunnies? Yes No I can fak em Gay
  13. Who adds these r-tarted polls ?
  14. running naked in the south pole and then swimming at the lil chilly waters there.
  15. Λογικά. Και μόνο σε σέρβερς που δεν έχουν καλούς/έμπειρους ντεβελόπερς.
  16. den pianei. an 8es na kaneis epigontos "heal" kalitera kanei kapoios ena Group heal p k me aggro ginete.
  17. yeah plus it launches an error at me when i try to visit your website.
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