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Everything posted by `Vaxil

  1. dld emeis prp na bgaloume to l2aio :/ ?
  2. :S fuuuuUUuuuuuuuUUUU IL einai opote kamael den . . . Exei k npc buffer , opote support classes den . . . Bsk ti lew o mlkas ? afou egw 8a kegome AION
  3. :S Ήθελα να φτιάξω Prophet.
  4. Ψήνομαι και εγώ να μπω. Φουυυυυ Exoun NPC buffer ekei?
  5. Simon says : Prp na pate sto Greek Idol / X-Factor eseis eiste talenta re
  6. Esi apo p ema8es tosa polla re 8irio ? ;p Exeis kanena filo sto plaisio ?
  7. Ναι , αλλά το αποτέλεσμα δεν σας εκστασιάζει ; Είναι σαν να φτιάχνεις ένα παιχνίδι με ηλεκτρονικό πλαστικό :P
  8. oh ok. I suppose i have to thank you , because <downloading>. xd
  9. Ektos apo ayto , exoume prostasia apo thn E.E. , mporoume na pernoume dania , h E.E. xrhmatodoteii OLA ta epidotika k koinwnika erga p ginontai ( >.<) sthn xwra mas. Ase p oi touristes tha empistey8oun na kanoun diakopes pio pl se mia xwra h opoia exei to idio nomisma me thn xwra tous , para me mia xwra p exei diaforetiko.
  10. oh mah gad. Why are you always so negative with him >.< @Psomas I did not fully understand its potential and its use. What i understood is that its like a printscreen button. Is that right ? Btw thnx for your shares mate ! They are wonderfull.
  11. Με έχετε κάνει να θέλω να μάθω scripting/coding ή όπως αλλιώς λέγετε.
  12. Ευρώ. Αν το σκεφτείτε λίγο το γεγονός ότι έχουμε ευρώ είναι υπέρ μας λολ.
  13. KAPOIOS NA M STILI 1 MSG GIA NA FTASW TA 400 you have 399 messages, 0 are new.
  14. /invite Lets go to some Hunting Grounds YAY -.-
  15. ΥΕΖ , i agree because with a party , you can discover some much moar dungeons ! 1)Urethra D:
  16. XAXAAXXAAXXAA Ουστ ! Ανώμαλε.
  17. you are not a girl , so i wouldnt like to have an exp with a man. Thanks but no thanks. /leaveparty qq
  18. I think there the potential of Prohect having aids is 1/10. Cause only if Dude Number 1 ejaculated in her mouth ( and he had AIDS) you will have aids. But as i saw , you were worrying about her having AIDS. Aids is transferred only thru your genetals. Dunno about syphilis and the others. Still dont count my opinion in , cause me no exp has.
  19. Παίζει να έχω πάρει και ένα τόνο αυτές τις 2 βδομάδες. Κάναμε συνολικά 5 τραπέζια.
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