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About lineagedeathrow

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  1. Fiole mou kopse ta preconfig pack kai arxise to compile ala to themental proti fora to akouw
  2. Polu kales times kai kala machine ~~~> http://www.vrtservers.net/
  3. Briskeis tin eteria tin opia kata protimisi esi epilegeis kai epikinonis mazi tous apo eki kai pera 8a sou poun autoi leptomeries
  4. File mou ama kaneis ena kalo search sto english section alla kai sto greek section 8a breis tin lisi sto problhma sou...
  5. kali elliniki eteria diskola 8a breis... :-/
  6. I thinks it is better ~~~> http://www.worldstream.nl/
  7. You need to change your imports...i can fix it...if you want to help you send me a message. :)
  8. You need to change your imports...i can fix it...if you want to help you send me a message. :)
  9. Lipon file mou eime atomo apo auta p xriazese alla dn Dino boh8ia xorhs xrimatiki amibi...
  10. File ta pragmata ine apla...8a epiikinoseis me tn ipeu8ino tis eterias
  11. Λιπον πολυ απλα φιλε μου για να διορθοθει αυτο το πολυ μα πολυ μικρο προβληματακι κανε το εξης: πατα στο φακελο Server(δηλαδη εκι που βρισκοντε τα αρχεια του server σου)/gameserver/config/altesettings.propereties και βρες την εξης σιρα: # Allow use Event Managers for change occupation # If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False # Default = False AllowClassMasters = False καντιν ετσι: # Allow use Event Managers for change occupation # If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False # Default = False AllowClassMasters = True <======= Αυτο εδω απο False καντο True Μετα ενα Restart το server σου και ισε ενταξει. Have Fun....
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