I'm trying this method :
>Run hlapex
> go to an Npc to buy an items but don't buy it ( try it with a sword or tattoo)
> Go to hlapex and clik capture
> Buy the item
> you can see at hlapex requestbuyitem and you have the needed command
> go to another Npc who don't sell the same item you buy before
> click on it
> to hlapex clik send at the command request buy item
> :shock: you can see the item in your inventory
This is 100% work but I don't now if the ID of the request buy items is the same in all server. If it is the same you can buy any items in low server too !
I now that this method work on all server l2j pvp but i dont' now if you copy the same packet of the server in another server it's work ...
Does anyone now ?
Sorry for my very very bad english :( 8)