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Everything posted by raouf67

  1. Anyone now please ? how do I spawn ? :roll:
  2. developp please :D :) Interressting :D spawning in inventory :D I am trying this method but the ID of the item is not the same ??
  3. Really ? how do I spawn ? :D
  4. Maybe doing a trade with a friend ...
  5. Look at this Now it's a client moddification and I can't use this tallum blade.. I am using the packet inventory update to creating this item but I can't use them...
  6. I found this : http://www.allcheats.ru/forums/showthread.php?t=5782 but I can't download the files, don't understant grek :(
  7. There is a method with hlapex to connect with a banned account ? Maybe we can find the GM command to deban with a L2J owned server. Anyone try this method or know another method to connect with a banned account because I have lot of account banned :(
  8. thx a lot my friend :D
  9. how to find ID if my char please ?????
  10. How to find the ID of my char ? I have 4 char and it's always the same ID :( (7A 0B 03 00)
  11. I'm trying this method : >Run hlapex > go to an Npc to buy an items but don't buy it ( try it with a sword or tattoo) > Go to hlapex and clik capture > Buy the item > you can see at hlapex requestbuyitem and you have the needed command > go to another Npc who don't sell the same item you buy before > click on it > to hlapex clik send at the command request buy item > :shock: you can see the item in your inventory This is 100% work but I don't now if the ID of the request buy items is the same in all server. If it is the same you can buy any items in low server too ! I now that this method work on all server l2j pvp but i dont' now if you copy the same packet of the server in another server it's work ... Does anyone now ? Sorry for my very very bad english :( 8)
  12. and if you don't have enough SP to learn the skills ? :cry:
  14. thank you a lot Yngwie now it recognise the packet but when the newbie guide buff me my stats don't increase :( I try it in another server and then i tell you :wink:
  15. anyone have this problem ?
  16. When i run hlapex it's working fine but i have all my packet called unknow how to have packet with their really names ?? please help Yngwie sorry for my english
  17. It's on C4??
  18. i do it in a C4 server it's open the help but it do anything Anyone can help me ?
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