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Everything posted by CorSaIr

  1. Hello guys i will be fast....I get this error when i open My bats.... Same thing on gameserver.....And Btw i tryed my olad L2j packs and i got the same error....its first time this happening
  2. thnx....I use Windows,i got everythink correctly...i uninstall installed my mysql,i tryed different packs....but nop.....It is like the db install its empty,and has nothink to install...but i tried all my packs,even my old packs.... yes it is...im not newbie ;P this happen to me first time...and i dunno wtf is going on...im out on this sport a year ;P
  3. Hello Boys....I will be fast...I tried to install my db yesterday and today....but i couldnt...no errors no nothink,just press Full install and it just ignore it and go to next stage,all the time same thing....i changes pack,i compiled a new one and all that....Fsss im out of ideas...i got no clue what happening....I'll apriciate your help.... ( sorry for my bad englesoo :D)
  4. omg mia xara einai to pack sou....katevase jre kai eisai etoimos http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
  5. Γειά σας πεδία,θα μπώ κατευθειαν στο ψητό....προσπάθησα να βάλω IL backup απο ενα παλιό πάκ σε ένα νέο τις ACIS,το κατάφερα ώσπου ένα σημείο....το gameserver κάνει Load χωρίς ERRORS....μα υστερα απο το Login,ο παίχτης κολάει στο START λίγο πρίν μπέις στο game...όταν λέω κολάει ενοώ πατάς start και τπτ δεν γίνεται...Τι πέζεται? :D ρωτάω εσάς που είσται πιο εμπηροι...
  6. Kaloudis here....guftoi oloi xaxaxaxaxa
  7. File mhn akous ti sou lene,kai gamo einai kai h idea kai h pra3h...to testara kai einai bam!
  8. Γειά σας πεδιά,ήθελα να ρωτήσω αν μπορείτε να μου δώσετε μια γνώμη για το τη L2jProject να χρησιμοποιήσω..Για High Five client Thnx για τον χρόνο σας
  9. Lollll I get 12312312 ip's with all programs closed...
  10. Oreos file,para o server sou na einai opios nanai mpenei opios na nai vgenei,kalutera na valeis mia prostasia...esto mirkh
  11. pollu moufa...den doulevei to enchant skill...:P (project eteria to idio einai gia mena xD )
  12. Geia sas pedia,tha ithela na me voithisete ligo sto thema epiloghs pack gia epilogue Client..! thnx :) (enow ti eteria)
  13. File eyxaristo...alla mila ellhnika se ayto to section giati tha se kra3oun :D
  14. Apla otan to kanw enchant an exeis dei pote pos einai se epilogue...anti na mou di3ei 3erw go to modify skill me endei3h ga +2 kai thn eikona den mou dixnei tpt! kai leei +0! san na mhn ginete enchant!..
  15. Gia sas pedia...exw ena mikro..opos thelete pes te to problem...Sto l2j Epilogue client.den mporo na kanw enchant ta skill! ta kanw kai mou leei 0! den anevenei tpt apo power ktlp...ligo help
  16. δεν υπάρχει καλύτερο class υπάρχει καλύτερος παίχτης. class που είναι ποιο ευνοημενο ναι , αλλά όχι και πολύ. επίσης δεν αναφέρεσε καν σε rates δηλαδή με full buffs ή χωρίς re file mhn prospatheis na to pe3eis e3upnakias...STo post lew pios einai pio apodotikos oxi Kaluteros..!
  17. Eyxaristo pou rixnete mia matia sto post :) Tha ithela na psifisete ton pio apodotiko Daggera :) CLIEND GRACIA EPILOGUE
  18. Guys Sugnomh gia ta provlimata me tis photos...mallon h eteria eklise,tha prospathiso na tis anevaso se allo photohost site,to sigouro einai pos tha anevaso enan fakelo me download link o opios periexh ths oikones arithmimenes...!!!````(epanaupload to comment meta apofash 3 lepton,molis anoi3a google lew as ths anevaso na ths 3anavalo anti na valo ton fakelo :P) loipon tis anevasa,tha dw ta request for help kai tha sas doso apanthsh se pm! :)
  19. Guys kapios na e3igisei ti einai l2net? pouthena den lete!....einai opos to walker? :S
  20. Guys epsa3a pantou sto foroum...to mono pou vrika toulaxiston itan ena sql pou kai ayto htan miso :/ Mipos mporeite na mou protinete ena link pou na Periexei oloklhromeno sql gia na perno automata ta 81 lvl skills? Thnx
  21. pes ta re rozdex pffff...eleos! dld kane kati me ta orthografika den katalavenoume xristo
  22. Epitelous re file se eyxaristo para pollu!
  23. Einai gia l2jfree re cobra!
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