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Posts posted by Hazel

  1. Do you -beep-ing understand "master of developing" that i didnt sell any pack from more then 1 year ?. I dont have time for any game or something like that, just sharing pack if you have problem with that, change forum and stfu noob.Like Sighed, like Maxtor, like Manton so what's the point ?Like i said in first post, its old dll's but oohh its for Free. I share this pack only for ppl who wanna test, take some custom's, or learn how script's work and meaby refresh this section. Its easy to edit it to work with new kation dll. If you dont like this share just dont download it.


    Me ? And dVamp's ? Yeah, remember my full dVampire post, you know the one with MU links ?  that i can't repair due that i can't find the files on the HDD.I didn't tried to sell a crappy "dVampire Pack", cause people ask a lot for fixed shits and blablabla, and that isn't the best point on a dVampire.

    You always say "I don't sell blablabla" but then we start talking to some people and they said, Shakal sold me this or that, you did the same with L2InC files, trying to sell something "That you worked on or fixed or added", the point is, how a dumb kid without even primary school, that just wants easy money, can do anything ? You don't even know how to setup the server properly. We don't need to be "Masters Of Developing" or whatever, to know your nature, just read what you wrote, you don't give us, some proper answers, read again, it just looks, like an angry kid, smashing the keyboard trying to write in english.

    I wont waste my time to answer you. Its funny how you hate me and try call me scamer, i dont give a shit about you xD. Dont you remember how you sell free shity old kation 500kb dll with backdoors (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203012.0) ? Anyway i just share files so stfo and gtfo kid. Its not you f ucking business what I do so -beep- you.

  2. Im almost sure, that he even tried to sell this to some newbie, what do you expect from someone like him ? He doesn't have any knowledge.

    Do you -beep-ing understand "master of developing" that i didnt sell any pack from more then 1 year ?. I dont have time for any game or something like that, just sharing pack if you have problem with that, change forum and stfu noob.


    yeah he used to sell it ages ago but then mac posted shakal's pack on here and he got all butthurt over it...

    Like Sighed, like Maxtor, like Manton so what's the point ?


    oh Shakal -_-


    You know the 1.75 dvamp dll hasn't been updated in well over 2 years right? Do you know how many dupes crashes and other various exploits have been found during that time? Not to mention the extremely long list of bugs this extender has on it's own...


    I get that it's just a straight up reshare and someone probably asked you for it but come on, don't reshare turds shakal, at least tell people how shitty it is first.


    Like i said in first post, its old dll's but oohh its for Free. I share this pack only for ppl who wanna test, take some custom's, or learn how script's work and meaby refresh this section. Its easy to edit it to work with new kation dll. If you dont like this share just dont download it.

  3. Hello. I wanna share to you old but nice preconfigured pack :) Dvampire 1.7mb
    I found it some time ago on russian forum.
    Tested and working.
    Hope you will like it ^^


    *Server Rates: xp: 50 sp: 100 adena: 100 drop: 10 spoil: 10
    *Safe sharpening Bless points to three
    *Professions 1/2/3 for free!
    *Avtoizuchenie skill level to 68, further skills should be taught in gildyaih that would not fly with the panels and is not rolled back when relogine (if there are additional modules such as Menton dempaks or dll is not required)
    *Clans level 5 for free, up to 8 levels of clan points!
    *In Gmshope sold everything up to B Grade
    *A grade recipes are sold in the GM shop
    *S Grade can only get crafting
    *Recipes for resources in the GM shop prodayuyutsya
    *7 signs work in a shorter cycle
    *All buffs, dance, song length 1:00
    *Shortened subclass quests and the nobility
    *High-quality assembly
    *All Raid Bosses games (including Frintezza (fully working), a snow queen, etc.)
    *Own an effective system of protection
    *Qualitative GEODATA (geodata)
    *Implemented all the basic and a lot of side quests
    *Cursed weapons, with the possibility of multiple skills to the owner
    *In each city baffer, he can get all buffs
    *Augmentation with all its additions (shansovye skills, modified, etc.)

    Main Fixes:

    * Shadow Weapon - are working properly all the time an item
    * Cursed Weapon - correct operation of the cursed weapon
    * Offline trade - an opportunity to trade offline
    * Sailren, Benom, Baium, Valakas, etc .. - Correction of errors and bugs from RB
    * Overbafy - pofiksheny all overbafy and added to bafera skills
    * Skills - fixed many skills (including AoE skills), and effects to them
    * Commercial zones - established trade zone in Giran (center area)
    * Olympiad - correction of the Olympiad and objects
    * Augmentation - all kinds of options and inlay work correctly
    * Herbs - Herb correct operation and their effects
    * Duels - are working in full duel
    * Set Ench. +6 - work correctly sets sharpening to 6
    * 24 +6 buff slot - the correct slots buff and debuff
    * Primeval Isle - behavior drops, quests, AI in full
    * QueenAnt AI fix - fixed withdrawal boss outside the hive

    Pack + Patch:  http://speedy.sh/4Nyjh/lineage2-server-1.7mb-by-mexekanez.7z
    Credits: mexekanez



  4. Shakal how about you use your head before you write anything. Your only showing your self as a little kid with no maturity at all.


    We just Imported Members from our last forums, that had over 2thousand registered users. It is not cheating it is just common sense, all of the players have also been emailed adding a great deal of people to the community.

    If i see 13 members on forum and on next day 2,6k+ its really strange, coz i think players first look at forum, how many members it have, then join server. 2,6k members on forum and 50 in game. Its cheating or im wrong ? Now you told me how you got members on forum so chillout and gl with it.

    Meaby you are little kid, not me. Trust me. I have right to write my own opinion about what i see thats all. So take it easy or take pills to calm down ???

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