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Everything posted by kostikas2

  1. i found it :D i said that i m newbie in this dude.. i just compiled my server and is the first editing in java.. now after paste? krash helpare lg re dikie m..;)
  2. i m going to gameserver/network but i can't find client packets..any help? Ok i found it.. xD and because i m newbie in compile after i did paste what i have to do now?
  3. 1. Have been posted again. 2.Anyway u have posted it.give us info.is for l2j?l2j free?oneo ?what?for all? someone that have build a server for a while can't just download a file that may ruin his server. Good Try.
  4. What the..? i dont even split ur links between them. u can just split it into groups like armors,weapons,npc's,etC.. Anyway..good try.
  5. kalws dikie m egine.k thx pou asxolh8hkes 3ekinaw;)
  6. tote gt dinoun preconfigured patch pou dn eine last rev?tn paleuoune? k kt allo. me to compile xanonte chars,customs ktlp?
  7. ekana lathos k to ekana dio fores post to topic.plz delete to 1..
  8. dikie m dn exw preconfigured pack.prin kanw otidhpote diavazw..3erw ti eine compile k pws ginete diavasa kalws h kakws ola ta posts edw mesa..dld eine o monos tropos g na kanei o server m load ta quests?dn exw preconfigured.ta katevasa ola manually.
  9. Loipon..Exw problhma me ta quest tou server m. Xrisimopoiw l2j pack. Oute clan/ally mporw na kanw-Oute oi buffer dn m kanoun buff oti kai an dokimasa. Nai...Profanws o Server m dn kanei load ta quests. DIAVASA OLO TO FORUM.Psaxnw 2 meres kai tpt. Oloi Lene kane Search,Wrong Section k alla tetoia p mono dn helparoune newbies. Dld anti kapios na dwsei mia lush ka8ete k to paizei ao0 edw mesa. An mporei kapios na mou pei,an prepei na allaksw kt sto init.py mou kapws analutika h an uparxei mia allh lush 8a me voi8ouse opws to 40% twn newbies pou exoun to idio provlhma opws fainete.3 meres oles k oles asxoloume me to 8ema tou dikou mou server.o server eine sthmenos me custom armor-weapons-items etc.prostasia apo l2phx k anti Hlapex k diafora alla. kai eine to monadiko mou provlhma gia na arxisw na vazw atoma kai na tsekarw k skill bugs ktlp. Sas Parakalw.An kapios gnwrizei kati re pedes.as asxoli8ei.pragmatika vare8hka na vlepw ta wrong section kai ta u can also use the search button.gt 2 meres dn kanw tpt allo apo to search.. Euxaristw ek twn proterwn..
  10. Loipon..Exw problhma me ta quest tou server m. Xrisimopoiw l2j pack. Oute clan/ally mporw na kanw-Oute oi buffer dn m kanoun buff oti kai an dokimasa. Nai...Profanws o Server m dn kanei load ta quests. DIAVASA OLO TO FORUM.Psaxnw 2 meres kai tpt. Oloi Lene kane Search,Wrong Section k alla tetoia p mono dn helparoune newbies. Dld anti kapios na dwsei mia lush ka8ete k to paizei ao0 edw mesa. An mporei kapios na mou pei,an prepei na allaksw kt sto init.py mou kapws analutika h an uparxei mia allh lush 8a me voi8ouse opws to 40% twn newbies pou exoun to idio provlhma opws fainete.3 meres oles k oles asxoloume me to 8ema tou dikou mou server.o server eine sthmenos me custom armor-weapons-items etc.prostasia apo l2phx k anti Hlapex k diafora alla. kai eine to monadiko mou provlhma gia na arxisw na vazw atoma kai na tsekarw k skill bugs ktlp. Sas Parakalw.An kapios gnwrizei kati re pedes.as asxoli8ei.pragmatika vare8hka na vlepw ta wrong section kai ta u can also use the search button.gt 2 meres dn kanw tpt allo apo to search.. Euxaristw ek twn proterwn..
  11. pff..all guys here and me too i have the same problem. nobody can help us?:S
  12. how u solved the problem?:SS i have the same problem. and with clan/ally quests.. help plz..
  13. exw to idio problem.xrhsimopoiw l2j pack.k dn kanei load kanena quest.3erw na kanw otidhpote allo sto server m ektos apo compile.an sas eine eukolo xwste kanena link paides.gt exoune peksei ta neura m gt merikoi edw mesa eine lg parapanw apo gtp..oloi lene wrong section k tetoia k.. :@:@ euxaristw ek tn proterwn...
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