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Everything posted by superkastor

  1. bump!
  2. info updated....
  3. Has been changed to D, C, B and A
  4. Thanks, I could really use some... people lets join! the more people stay the faster it will grow :)
  5. Its not only here, its on http://www.top100arena.com/lineage2/ 3rd place :)
  6. Rates: 30x GM Shop: D, C, B, and A NPC Buffer: Buffs 2 hour duration. Safe enchant +3 Max +20 (% retail like) Active staff. S Grade retail craft. Free Subclass. Class Manager. This server's intention is to create a RPG/PVP environment. for more info please visit: www.l2asylum.net
  7. Could someone give me a quick tutorial on how to properly add these files to my server files? thanks.
  8. Server is growing everyday... today we had about 550 online... and about the AIO comments.. AIO can be obtained if you have an active clan with 15+ active players
  9. today we are expecting about 400 + on grand opening at least...
  10. correct :)
  11. not java, how can u even say that if server isn't open? its not java...
  12. http://www.l2korengrandopening.com/
  13. http://www.l2korengrandopening.com/
  14. http://www.l2korengrandopening.com/ Then click on "Forum"
  15. why would it be fake?
  16. AIO will not be only donation... u can obtain an AIO other ways
  17. we were in beta testing.. all acounts have been wiped.. grand openning is MARCH 1st 2012.. we are expecting a fair a-beep-t of players..
  18. About The Server: [L2OFF] Interlude. Rates: 55x. Main Towns: Giran and Goddard. Equipment C, B, A and S in shop. S-Grade can be obtained by farming VOP (Varnish of Purity) at LOA (Antharas' Lair) and MOS (Monastery of Silence) NPC Buffer: BASIC Prophet/Shilien Elder/Elven Elder/Songs/Dances. AIO system. Class Master: 1st job can be made in Gludio with your Gran Master (you start with the 1st Job quest item) 2nd and 3rd can be done in Giran for free. Classes all well balanced! We hope you enjoy our server! The server is hosted in the U.S. Configurations are subject to change according to the needs of the server. Visit us at:www.l2koren.com
  19. Community is growing
  20. yes low.. close to retail...
  21. now 100+ more or less... need more people!
  22. if you have nothing intelligent to say plz don't spam here.. ty
  23. how do u expect someone to keep a server online with no money? the server needs some kind of income... kids
  24. Server Features: - [L2OFF] Interlude. - Rates: 55x. - Auto learn skills. - Main Towns: Giran and Goddard. - Equipment C, B, A and S in shop. - S-Grade can be obtained by farming VOP (Varnish of Purity) at LOA (Antharas' Lair) and MOS (Monastery of Silence). - Offline Shop System. - NPC Buffer: BASIC Prophet/Shilien Elder/Elven Elder/Songs/Dances. - AIO system. - Class Master: 1st job can be made in Gludio with your Gran Master (you start with the 1st Job quest item) 2nd and 3rd can be done in Giran for free. - Classes all well balanced! We hope you enjoy our server! The server is hosted in the U.S. Configurations are subject to change according to the needs of the server. Visit us at:www.l2koren.com
  25. L2 Koren - Chronicle: L2[OFF] Interlude. - Rates: 15x. - NPC Buffer (basic buffs). - Special Shop (equipment C, B and A grade, consumables.. and so on). - Custom Equipment: None. - Buffs: 2 hours - Staff active! - Class advancer. - Buff slots 24+6 debuff. - Safe enchant +3 max +20. - Seven Signs Working. - Castles and forts all working 100%. - Grade S items only by craft, drop and donation. - Geodata 100%. - AIOx System. - Boss jewelry only by drop. The server is hosted in the U.S. Configurations are subject to change according to the needs of the server. Visit us at: www.l2koren.com
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