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Posts posted by `Rοmeο

  1. meet professionalism


    Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /home/l2enyo/public_html/header.php on line 5


    Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Connection refused) in /home/l2enyo/public_html/header.php on line 11


    good luck :)

    lol n4b it's just 2 lines i must edit with servers ip to work on Server Status.


    Immature behavior when I denied. They are not professional.I didn't tried their service and i don't want.
    [8/1/2014 3:44:50 μμ] HostRent.eu Support: hi
    [8/1/2014 3:44:57 μμ] HostRent.eu Support: do u still need host? :)
    [12:14:27 μμ]  HostRent.eu Support: 
    <<< hi
    do u still need host? :)
    [1:35:07 μμ] me: No thank you
    [1:35:16 μμ] HostRent.eu Support: :D
    [1:35:23 μμ] HostRent.eu Support: kid
    [1:35:27 μμ] me: what?
    [1:35:48 μμ] me: Are you serious company? Maybe not
    [1:36:00 μμ] HostRent.eu Support: good luck
    [1:36:07 μμ] me: you too :)


    I denied because i found one better company with helpful support and professional.


    name ??? And why we should care ?

  3. Hello i want to preview a new PvP server coming online ,this time we are working on interlude with different administrators so dont be mad because of hi5 server closed it was not mine desision since all community left.We welcome all Interlude Community every single player who like pvp servers to join us we will offer you the best gameplay around !!!

    Server Website

    Lineage][enyo.net : Online
    Grand Opening at 15/1/2014

    Features Preview

    Custom Login Start On Leveling Zone for 80 level
    Custom PvP Color System
    Custom Announcement When Castle Lord Going Online
    Global Gatekeeper to move you at the whole world of @enyo
    Full Buffer, including schemes
    GM Shop up to S Grade Weapons and Armors
    Primeval Isle Main PvP Zone
    Max Augments 2 Active and 1 Passive skills
    Olympiad Working
    Perfect Geodata
    Server running @ GMT +2

    Gold Bar System

    * You can push double click on adenas and you create Gbs. You can push double click on Gbs and you create Adenas.

    Anti - Feed System

    * AntiFeed Pvp (This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points)
    * AntiFeed Dualbox (kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points)
    * AntiFeed Disconnected As Dualbox (unable to determine ip address)
    * AntiFeed Interval (If character died faster than timeout pvp/pk points for killer will not increase)

    Killing Spree System

    * Sends messages to players with more than 4 kills in a row. Announcements at: 25/50/75/100 kills in a row.

    Hero Skills System

    * You can have your hero skills on subclass.

    Daily Pvp Mod

    * Every day at 00:00 GMT+2 the daily pvp ends If you are first on the top list of daily pvp you will receive 2 Ls 30% For giftBut Notice this daily pvp is only for Island not for another Area.

    * Top PvP/PK Player Announcement
    * Castle Lord Announcement


    * Shout Chat With 200 Pvp
    * Trade Chat with 100 Pvp
    * Global Pvp Chat (Unique Mode) 8000 Pvp ( with that mode you can speak with Lime Blue color and all server can see what you write on char)

    Teleport Protection

    * Flagged players can't teleport creating more pvp action.

    Vote Reward System (Unique)

    * This is our individual vote reward system, made to advertise our server, without destroying the balance of the in game items with automated rewards.
    If you vote, you receive a Buff that increases all your stats by 5% and lasts 12 hours, along with this buff you can choose Malaria, Flu, etc from the npc.
    Obviously, after the 12 hours, you vote again and receive the vote buff once more. Please understand that votes are essential for a server, we did it this way
    so the server won't have an end date due to unbalanced vote rewards and players using proxies, etc.

    Many events and raid bosses, join us!!


    Safe enchant +  4
    Max enchant +18
    Normal Scrolls 74% chance
    Blessed Scrolls 80% chance
    Mid Grade Life Stones Farmable Easy with 8% change for skill
    Top Grade Life Stones Retail like with edited drop rate at 100% from tyrannosaurus for 1 lifestone and 20% change for skill
    Castle Sieges Every Week
    Heroes Every 2 Week

    Server Based On
    We running that server under l2j platform and best files around
    Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 930 2,80 GHz
    RAM: 32 GB
    100 Mbits Internet Connection
    DDOS Protection


  4. 140102045529614715.jpg

    Server Website : http://www.l2infinity.eu

    Exp : x500
    SP : x500
    Adena : x800
    Drop rate : *3
    Party rate : *2

    L2Infinity Features

    Starting level 61 & Custom Leveling Zone
    GM Shop up to Vesper (No elegia and vorpal)
    Global Gatekeeper
    Safe enchant (rate) 4 Max enchant 12 (Normal Scrolls 66%) (Blessed 75%)
    Attribute system level 7 with Elemental stone 100% and crystals 66%
    24 Buff +12 dances/songs +4 including Divine Inspiration
    Auto Learn Skills
    Pvp Reward
    Vitality System
    Noblesse NPC
    3 subs 
    Certifications Disabled 
    Perfect GEODATA

    L2Infinity Olympiad
    Olympiad Starting Time : 18:00 (GMT +2)
    Olympiad End Time : 24:00 (GMT +2)
    Hero Period : 7 days
    Feed protection : Dualbox / Ip
    Max enchant +10

    L2Infinity Farm System

    Seed of Annihilation
    Loot: Vesper Coin and (Reputation and Giant's codex mastery from RB)
    Primeval Isle
    Loot: Ancient Adena (Make SA on Weapon)
    Isle of Prayer
    Loot: Elemental Stone and Top Life Stone level 86
    Forge of God
    Loot: Mouse coin for buy blessed scrolls

    Lineage][infinity PvP Zone

    Economy System

    etc_magic_coin_gold_i00.pngPVP Coin - Usable to up Armor Noble and Foundation and can be exchanged for Fame (this is most important item on L2 Infinity)
    etc_magic_coin_gold_i00.pngCoin Vesper :Usable for buy Vesper amor and Boss Jewel
    etc_magic_coin_gold_i00.pngDonation coin: 150 000 token or 40 000 token /100 Event coin /200 PvP Coin


    Team vs Team
    Last Man Standing

    Clan Reputation System

    You need point reputation? For it it exists 3RB in the farm zone Vesper , one RB in farm Blessed zone and Valakas(BIG loot)who will leave you one or item has to exchange for reputation

    Server commands


    .changepassword (Change your current account password)
    .deposit (Convert Adena into Goldbars)
    .withdraw (Convert Goldbar back into Adenas)
    .repair (Unstuck character if cannot be done mannualy)
    .castlemanager (Shows the castle owner/siege/tax and more)
    /unstuck (15 seconds)

    Lineage][infinity Custom Armors


    Fire Armor

    Ice Armor

    Dark Armor

  5. Please delete this he have no permission from admin to do it since it's not the official , i know that cuz admin told me to make topic here with real infos and not one shit like this.

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