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Posts posted by Kiefer

  1. Topic made on : «  on: Today at 12:51:05 PM »

    First reply on : « Reply #1 on: Today at 12:56:26 PM »


    The reply contains the following message : nice server!!!


    This section turned into a kiddo one. Are we baby-sitters now?

  2. i like the server but daggers are really bug class they can kill mages for fun ... 3-4 hits




    NCsoft made it that way. If dagger gets near you -> you are dead. Thats why they got less HP/P def/M def. There isnt anything bugged. Try playing more low rates and learn the basics.

  3. or u will do what?

    jeez u cant even argue right kiddy.


    I proved everybody that arguing with Staff/Ex-staff members on this forum is IMPOSSIBLE.


    On topic . There are some things that gotta be fixed yeah... but as i said we cant do a shit without Rozdex. We have to wait him to come back.

  4. you kiddin me right ?

    I can create a server and name it HumanWars but all races will work...

    The name dont change nothing dude.. just do something when the player choise human/elf/darkelf/orc to cannot create the character...

    I dont think that you are so lame and you cannot do it..


    Its done already lol. You cant create other char except dwarf.

  5. Double post.


    The defense tattoo was 50 gc and 50 sc , and now its 20 each. So its cheaper. This server is a pvp one, but you dont make your full char in 3 hours, you need at least 3-4 days of playing.


    Players told me that it has been 5 gc and 5 sc.

  6. When I create human I get disconected :S

    You should do something about that problem couse the new players and I mean the noobs

    that don't read the full information will leave the server couse they will think that is bugged :S


    Thats why the server's name is DWARFWARS.

  7. one more question .. why tattos like avadon bravercy exist ? bravercy give's only 38 critical to lowwwwww.about avadon .. mage's dont exist. lol ? and many other tatto's.


    P.S.soul give's 430 atk.spe with angel slayer (haste).i dont know maybe this make the balance of server..but all tattos dont give p.def, that's bad :S why ?


    About the tattoos , they give % of your current stat.

    @ P def : they should give def.

  8. :S ok for pots.. about elemental heal. dwarfs have only 500 casting if i remember.. and the mob's can make you *casting intruped* :S i dont know maybe one light mystery from WC increase the casting at 760..


    Dont worry its tested :).

  9. Well,if you add rbs,how players will be able to kill them,without a healer (as all players are fighters)?


    They have increased P def and decreased P atk. They will do damage but with pots+ elemental heal from time to time you can survive.

  10. agree with some peoples here the server is a little boring

    and this is also a copy of a very old server (l2 illicit awakening c3 2-3 years  ago i played once there) it has a same server with about the same places and the dwarfs has also 2-3 skills from other


    We are about to add Raid Bosses. We are sorry about our slow work , the reason is that our dev - Rozdex is out of Greece for 10 days. And we gotta work alone. We are making last tests and the RBs should be added today probably.

  11. i made a dark elf and when i logged it disconnected me , now i made a dorf and i can't log in the world.

    Lol i got pked in the spawn . It's lagg or wtf?


    What? Just use /unstuck and you will be teleported to the safe zone. Equip/buff/get ready there. After that write .area and voala start pvping!

  12. Well,I will inform you about some irregularities in the server :

    1.You spawn at a battlezone and you are being Pked immediately ( you have to unstuck immediately )

    2.In the area after unstuck I can't see what to do! I upgrade to 3rd class,I cannot teleport or something..



    Help me pls ..a starter guide or smth...


    To go to the PvP zone you have to write .area . To go back to the safe zone /unstuck.

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