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About HaterAid

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  1. THE next time you try and blackmail me, please do your homework. Cathy isn't real, its Sawk's imaginary girlfriend. Secondly Good luck broski. -beep- what a fail. http://s736.photobucket.com/albums/xx2/anonymousl2/?action=view&current=lollollol.jpg
  2. Don't do business with oprea, hes a scammer.
  3. Don't do business with this guy, hes a scammer from a 3rd world country.
  4. WTS l2-renewal items + AIO I got a bunch of dynasty parts over enchanted +7 dynasty bow focus alot of adena/AA and a all in one buffer pm me
  5. Still selling looking for $$$$ paypal only.
  6. Selling 78 great wolf with top gear for it S grade jewel set unsealed and enchanted a bit. Majestic light set enchanted and unsealed Demon Dagger critical damage 500kk+ adena Angel Slayer Recipe 60% Selling for Money only not asking for much pm me with offers on here Am also willing to sell my account with everything on it... 79+ noble Dagger with 77 Doomcryer sub and 74+ Archer sub
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU6E5xj6QhI
  8. wts maj light set s grade jewel set demon dagger crit damage 500kk+ adena cheap pm me Also have a level 78 great wolf and top gear for it 150kk worth
  9. bump wts maj light set soul bow s jewel set demon dagger adena on kastien
  10. at the time it was :<
  11. www.l2kastien.com selling full maj set light soul bow, adena, carnage bow, top B dagger pm me on forums with offers
  12. anyone try it to see if it works?
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