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Everything posted by KraSh™

  1. apo pou eisai
  2. Tn V2 Bale
  3. i change my email in other account i wait 10 min and nothing i think we have problem in activation email
  4. mporeis me to /nick kai oti 8es px /nick MaxCheaterS
  5. FloRenGeR,Hrema xD :D
  6. SH lvl3 and jewels/armor/weapon full set +100 auto prwtimo fusika...
  7. toulaxiston perna swstes picture Server Machine Einai...
  8. afou einai off to svn tis archid otan anoixei xana 8a balei :D
  9. magaki youhou
  10. HB Coyote And Re mlks o magaki13 p sto diaolo einai exw meres na tn dw 3ereis kaneis tpt?
  11. Signature 1 I want a subtext : "DemonicaL" Thanks
  12. ExtremeDwarf I Can Make A Video How You can Make A Radio Station From Listen2Myradio :D
  13. Ok i'm In :D
  14. What radio ?Listen2MyRadio?
  15. lpn lpn auto sto server p paizeis ginete gia to logo oti exoun kanei otan perneis kati p einai parapanw apo ta adena p exeis tros kick dn to xoun oloi i interlude servers auto..
  16. sorry my mistake xD
  17. BlackSabath your idea for this programm its awesome + the program but you must need to organize the menu if you understand me
  18. for my opinion your background need some more work =/ i like the render but background destroy the signature 6/10
  19. LOl?an dn uparxei to .away dn yparxei kai to bug...
  20. why you put 1329482943942389 different npc in the server?
  21. ok i put a new way thnx fakoyka :)
  22. oti kai na exei bale auto 999 oti s eipa oxi parapanw oute ligotero
  23. JaJa Bro Thnx ;) I Like The Total Of Signature 10/10
  24. sorry file sakh alla to ergaleio s einai gia petama exw ena ideal podhlato se pataaw xD ela re paparovlaka mia xara to xeis ti 8es na to kaneis dld?aa twra m hr8e bale tou tourmphna aeroplanou kai 8a eisai GG J/k bro xD
  25. 4 karta grafikwn ti enoeis?
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